News Pooze


Coronavirus, Joe Biden is electable BAHAHAHA

I haven't addressed the Coronavirus because I thought that the authoritarian China government would have fixed it by now. I was wrong. I still think that there's little reason to panic. The virus may mutate to something more easily spreadable but it is a bad idea to unnecessarily panic people until that time. The best advice would be to adjust your diet to boost immunity and wash hands regularly with water as hot as you can stand it for at least 30 seconds, perhaps hand sanitizer. Also don't let at risk people into our country until this dies down. We have also got to be sensible, if at risk people want to come in they must be quarantined for three days prior, undergo three throat test. There's a problem with false positives so a mouth test is not enough. People are bitching about costs to the government but I would rather do everything to limit coronavirus here. I still have faith science will stop this. Call me optimistic.

The democratic establishment is gambling with Joe Biden. Amy, Pete and Tom have dropped out. This is a complete disaster. They should have picked another corporatist. Biden has very clear mental problems. He has forgotten the state he's in, the name of an interviewer, lines from the declaration of independence. He appeared to forget Obama's name once. He said he was a senate candidate recently and if you don't like him you could vote for the other Biden. He also tells people to vote for someone else; you probably shouldn't do this in an election, just saying. All this is on video. He is aggressive with people who disagree with him, and called a woman a lying dog faced pony soldier. (what the fuck does even mean?) He's an angry senile old man and America already has one of those in the White House. If you think he's electable, you're not thinking straight. How many more brain fuck ups must he make before you realize he's not quite there. I guarantee that there will be more. Guaran fucking tee. There's every chance he'll lose. Bring back Amy or Cory Booker, I can't stand either and they probably wouldn't win but at least they are not senile. The debate will be two senile old men struggling to be coherent. At least Sanders and Warren are coherent! How the fuck do you not have anyone to defeat Orange Buffoon? I don't want another four years of Orange Buffoon. Also Pete is a complete idiot for dropping out, if I was him I would have tried at the convention. The establishment won't want Bernie or Warren, Biden is going lala, Bloomberg is Buffoon Lite. Please someone go in and save the United States from being a freak show for the next four years. I hope Bernie wins but failing that, don't let it be someone who can lose to Buffoon! SOS!
Posted at 04/03/2020 05:54:59 UTC 0 comments

Bloomberg, Biden, Bernie

Michael Bloomberg was terrible in his first debate. The first thing Elizabeth Warren did was call him out for calling women "horse faced lesbians" and everyone picked on Bloomberg all right. Another debate happened, the crowd were booing Bernie and Warren. It's alleged that Bloomberg stacked the audience with his people. He's buying everything else so it's possible.

Bloomberg is famous for stop and frisk, where police would just randomly stop black people for no reason. A court made them stop the policy despite what Bloomberg wants you to believe, he fought against the court case. Crime didn't go up once it was stopped. Those are the facts. Black people are not going to be inspired to vote for Mr Stop And Frisk.

Women are not going to be inspired to vote for him. He told a pregnant woman to "kill it" and his company has about 60 sexual harassment claims. Did he do some of it? We don't know.

Other people have volunteers, he's paying people to shill for him. Many don't even like him and are leaking everything from his campaign and sending texts like "Vote for Bloomberg", "Disregard my last message, vote for Bernie". It's hilarious. This is what happens when you don't have grassroots support and try to buy your way into the nomination. Bloomberg seems like a slightly less racist sexist version of Orange Buffoon with fewer enthusiastic supporters. I'm not sure he can beat Orange Buffoon, same with all the others, even Bernie. Bloomberg would be better off throwing money at another candidate, even a Hollywood celebrity, I am serious.

People bitch about Bernie supporters, but why the fuck is enthusiastic supporters a bad thing?

Warren isn't viable if most of the progressives are supporting Sanders. I think she should drop out and support Bernie. The Establishment isn't going to support her either.

It's also pointless Tulsi Gabbard existing in the race and I like her. Also should drop out. Gets fuck all support.

Apart from Tom, the rest are out of touch, have problematic histories with race and probably won't win, Biden is also losing his mind, claimed he was a Senate candidate recently.

This is a disaster.

Apart from Bernie and Elizabeth the others will not get an enthusiastic base. People need to quit hysteria about Sanders and face reality.

Sanders praised Cuba for its literacy program. Obama did similar. What if not everything is black and white and even terrible countries have some good qualities? Do people really don't understand nuance.

Bernie is too old. Biden and Bloomberg are a year younger. Stop making fucking stupid arguments!

My problem with most of the arguments against Bernie is they're just so fucking stupid.

Bernie is not a Democrat, no he's better and wants to help everyday Americans. Michael Bloomberg was a Republican, Joe Biden is at least a closet Republican.

He's a straight white man. So fucking what? He'll be the first Jewish President. Yet the some in the media refers to his supporters as brown shirts. Keep it classy.

Some of his supporters are mean. Fuck you! (that was a joke) What if he has no control over his supporters and they are acting alone? He has never encouraged bullying and always denounces it. It's not like he said in the old days they would carry protesters out on a stretcher, that was Orange Buffoon.

Orange Buffoon and the media will constantly demonize socialism. This argument is creditable but unless you come up with someone else I think he's the best bet. The others are crap.
Posted at 27/02/2020 08:16:25 UTC 0 comments

Impeachment trial, Iowa, Kerry, Bloomberg, Biden

If you're guilty of a crime, join the Republican party and get elected president. That way you can be free of charges. The Republicans are allowing no witnesses in the Senate trial. If I was guilty I'd love it. If I was innocent I would insist on witnesses. This is a clown show, much like the entire Buffoon presidents.

When the Republicans inevitably find him not guilty the Democrats should immediately impeach him again on different charges. At this stage I just want to fuck him off and give him the most impeachments of any president. However the Democrats didn't do nearly enough charges so this would fix that. Of course they're incompetent fools so they won't do this.

Bernie wins Iwoa! I have no idea if this is true since they're unusually holding back the result. This would be a good way to screw Bernie Sanders if he won. Pete declared victory despite not knowing the result.

John Kerry is thinking of entering the race. Uh hello John, you already ran against a incredibly stupid incumbent Republican, and you lost! Fuck off.

Mike Bloomberg entered the race a month or two ago; he's self funding his campaign which means he couldn't attend debates. He will represent the rich and nobody else. He was an advocate of the stop and frisk policy; which basically just harasses black and Latino people for doing nothing wrong. He doesn't have a hope in hell if those groups do not vote for him, and they shouldn't.

Meanwhile Biden keeps abusing potential voters and contines to insist Republicans will work with him. The man is crazy and probably needs to be in a home.
Posted at 05/02/2020 05:17:00 UTC 0 comments

Impeachment trial started, Hillary Clinton

Orange Buffoon had his Senate trial starting, probably meaningless since Republicans are corrupt and won't convict. They may not allow key witnesses or even evidence. If he's so innocent what's the problem with either? The opening arguments were more of the same. Republicans say it was a perfect phone call. Democrats say he committed a crime. Boring. Perhaps wake me up if they allow John Bolton to testify.

The internet is talking about Hillary Clinton again, Fuck knows why, I am also bored with her. She basically said that nobody in Washington likes Bernie and he got nothing done. The first part I don't disagree with as he represents the people, not corporate elites like most of Washington. As for the second; some people call him the "amendment king" so I don't think that's true but even if it was you can blame Washington for representing corporate elites instead of people. I have said before if I lost to Orange Buffoon I'd crawl into a hole, or a mansion if I was Hillary Clinton. Also does she think he is going to lose support because of her comments? The people who support him don't even like Washington, or her. She can criticize him all she wants, it probably won't have the desired effect.

Also Hillary Clinton cannot be charged with a crime; the Buffoon administration looked into this and came up with nothing. This is good news for her and a blow to the "but her Emails" crowd.

However the bad news for Hillary is Tulsi Gabbard is suing her for claiming Tulsi is a Russian asset. Farron Cussins, editor of Trial Lawyer magazine seems to think that it has merit. It's true that politicians lie about each other constantly, but Hillary wasn't a practicing politician at that time. I'll be following this with interest!
Posted at 24/01/2020 07:15:07 UTC 0 comments

Warren vs Sanders, Booker, Iran

Elizabeth Warren is going by the way of Tulsi Gabbard; she's fucking off progressives. Her aides (who were probably the Obama aides who signed on very recently) leaked a story where Sanders allegedly said that a woman could not defeat Orange Buffoon. Sanders denied it, Warren claims it's true. I am thinking perhaps Warren misunderstood. Sanders wanted Warren to run in 2016 and has been supportive of the idea of a woman president since the 80s. By the way perhaps Sanders mispoke at the meeting in question. I think that both of them are handling this disastrously. They should just give the context. Warren kind of did and Sanders didn't correct her; he should. Warren appears more accurate as it stands.

Now for my tinfoil hat theory. If you want to destroy Sanders and Warren the best way to do that would be to join Warren's campaign and stir up shit with Sanders. Maybe this isn't what is happening, but it's possible.

I still believe that Warren is a progressive at heart by I think she is listening to the wrong people and made some bad calculations.

Corey Booker dropped out of the race, corporatist, polling at 4%, boring. I recall he making good comments about the drug war but he also takes big pharma money and they don't want cannabis legalized although some pharma companies are also investing in the cannabis field. He would have served his donors, just like Joe and Pete would.

Iran accidentally shot down an airplane, how the fuck do you even manage that? I guess we should be grateful that the U.S. didn't use it as a phony excuse for war.
Posted at 16/01/2020 06:16:16 UTC 2 comments

Possible war with Iran

Orange Buffoon ordered the killing of Iran's top general in a response to an attack. This was proposed as the more extreme option in amongst less extreme ones. People at the pentagon shouldn't propose more extreme ones as you don't know what the idiot will do. Of course because they're incompetent they also managed to kill one of Iraq's generals and Iraq now want the US troops out. This could lead to war between Iran and the US. We're not there yet.

The aftermath by the US was half assed, they said that the general posed an immediate threat but offered no evidence. Excuse me if I don't take the US at their word. I was naive enough to think the Iraq invasion was a good idea; I won't be making the same mistake again. The US has no credibility; whether it's Vietnam or the two Iraq wars the US have lied time and time again. They're not to be trusted.

The world isn't buying their bullshit, that's the difference between what happened in 2003. China, Russia and even BoJo has criticized this move. When BoJo seems like the reasonable one you have massive problems. If you asked the US they will say that the world is with them on this, which is another lie, gee are you sensing a pattern?

I live in reality; I know that Iran is a hostile actor but Orange Buffoon made them more hostile by pulling out of the nuclear deal and placing sanctions on them. I have absolutely no time for him.

Mike fucking Pence even said Iran helped with 9/11. The 9/11 reports at the time gave no indication of this. The Bush administration said the same thing about Iraq, which wasn't true. We're not that stupid Mike. They're insulting our intelligence. They're not even trying to come up with good lies.

Iran attacked some bases in retaliation but didn't kill anyone. If the world is lucky it will not go any further.
Posted at 09/01/2020 05:12:07 UTC 0 comments

Australia, Greta Thungberg

Australia is going through bush fires. It's so bad the smoke is traveling to New Zealand. The government should declare a national emergency and start modifying their infrastructure so fires are less likely.

Maybe voting for a coal loving government was a bad idea. Maybe politicians shouldn't be so stupid and ignore climate change.

Greta Thungberg won Time's person of the year. Orange Buffoon tweeted at her saying she was angry and chill Greta, chill. The Buffoon team also photoshopped Buffoon's face on Thungberg's. Yes, both of these things actually happened. I had to check if the image was satire, like so many other times; no it wasn't satire! How sad is that? It was the saddest thing I have ever seen in my life. What kind of idiot sees a 16 year old getting recognized and attacks her? You can argue the media gives her too much attention and Time's person of the year is silly; I would probably agree with you on both points. However to attack her on Twitter is something entirely different! I think the media is giving her too much attention and don't get the hype but I think she is doing good work, her heart and brain is in the right place. She's also very brave. Why attack her? People are so pathetic, it's really unbelievable!
Posted at 02/01/2020 03:30:51 UTC 0 comments

Orange Buffoon, Tulsi, BoJo, Post election analysts

Before Orange Buffoon started his term I predicted he would be impeached, he's impeached! Unfortunately Democrats have fucked this up by ignoring 70% of his crimes. If you're going to do something do it right. I'd throw every valid potential crime at him and make the Republicans support a criminal President. Democrats are useless. They've gone soft on this. It's easier for Republicans to brush it off if there are fewer crimes. Using my strategy he probably wouldn't be convicted but you make things harder for Republicans.

Tulsi Gabbard voted present for the impeachment. She's even more useless than regular Democrats. She did this possibly for the media attention, a job on Fox News or a job in the Buffoon administration. Whatever the reason; she continues to be a disappointment.

BoJo won the UK election. Previously I've called him Pale Buffoon but let's go with BoJo. Corbyn lost the election due to anti-semitism allegations. He definitely did some questionable things. They also called Labour in general anti-semitic which is a silly claim. I am sure the media was happy to smear Corbyn, because he wanted to represent the people. Again I acknowledge he did some questionable things.

Does this mean you shouldn't go left. Well, maybe. The media will relentlessly attack progressives. Another data point is John Key vs David Cunliffe. Cunliffe was thought of as a progressive, by the end I disagreed with this conclusion but that's going off topic. Cunliffe didn't win, neither did Corbyn. Both were attacked by the media. I think both had serious problems controlling their own parties. However, centrism doesn't necessarily win either. Democrats ran a centrist in 2016, Orange Buffoon won. Clinton/Gore were centrists, Bush won in 2000. In Australia, the so-called left ran a centrist last election, stood for nothing, didn't win. F.D.R. won four times in the U.S.A., he wasn't a centrist. So the data is mixed. Centrists do sometimes lead to victories, but only for a short time, then you get monsters.

Another factor is personality, I have no idea but perhaps Corbyn was lacking in this area. I definitely think that personality is everything in politics. Which is depressing but apart from 2016 the data points to this.

So, I still say run progressives but I'm not with the people who say they're guaranteed winners, clearly they're not. Centrists are not guaranteed winners either.

Ultimately lefties are TERRIBLE at dealing with the media and centrists within their own parties. This is a significant problem and if they do better with this maybe they could win. The base of the parties are also to blame for voting for centrists too.
Posted at 22/12/2019 03:07:17 UTC 0 comments

impeachment, Bolivia, Biden, Uygur, Fires, Rubin

Nothing exciting is really happening with impeachment hearings; they basically confirm what everyone already knows. I would have like other crimes to be investigated. Three people confirming the same information is pretty fucking pointless. Most of the information we knew from the edited transcript.

Kyle Kulinski is again wrong. Hillary didn't do the same thing. Her campaign may have asked foreign governments for information, but she didn't hold up government money to do so. If you want to investigate her campaign, fine. However Orange Buffoon should be impeached for many things, again they should investigate multiple things. Bill Clinton's investigation started on an real estate deal and ended up on a blow job. For the impeachment case to be strong the criminality must be overwhelming. I am not saying the evidence for individual crimes should be flimsy but they don't need 7 people confirming the same thing, 2 or 3 is fine.

The government of Bolivia was ousted by a military coup. It's important to know that the leader changed the constitution to abolish term limits which went against the result of a referendum on the subject. That being said, nobody has presented evidence of a fixed election. This seems like a coup backed by the U.S.A.

Joe Biden isn't in favour of legalizing cannibis because he's not sure if it's a gateway drug. Joe Biden is an idiot. Studies already exist, it's not a gateway drug. The C.D.C. also says so. It's also tone deaf; most people want legalization of cannabis. Joe isn't going to inspire anyone with this crap! He also believes that nobody should go to prison for it. Um OK Joe but you were Vice President for 8 years, you and Obama did very little about this! He authored the Crime Bill and whined that Ronald Regan was too soft on drug users; his history is terrible on this issue.

Cenk Uygur is running for Congress, host of TheYoungTurks. Ana has taken over the editor role. He has an uphill battle but a solid base behind him. He likels to make predictions, so do I. If he gets in the establishment will make up some nonsense scandal to get him out. Just like they did with Justice Democrats. I have seen this movie before and he was the star. I'm sure he will be excellent giving speeches and in hearings. He's not known to be polite. He'd be a strong fighter for the people. My concern would be setting fund raising targets too low, that fucked his colleague Heartson. It probably won't last, I hope that I am wrong, good luck Cenk!

The planet is burning, particularly the Amazon, Sydney and California. For California they could solve the problem by moving the power lines under ground but the private companies would rather save money. Obviously the state government should step in to regulate this. Of course climate change is a factor. Shock fucking horror global warming make fires more likely. If only there were scientists warning us for decades. Oh that's right there were, people are just too stupid to listen!

Dave Rubin made a comically stupid statement; he said that they were having trouble putting out fires because the fire departments are forced to hire diverse including GLBT people. Of course he didn't cite any evidence for this. If anybody has evidence supporting this claim please contact me. Maybe you'll find it in Rubin's ass. I truly wonder if he's saying this kind of stupid shit to get a reaction, or conducting some kind of secret satire.

He also moaned that Chic-Fil-A was no longer giving money to GLBT hate groups. He's gay. Dave, if you're reading this: FUCK YOU! Your show is shit, so are your opinions and yourself. I was pleased to meet you but now I'd be embarrassed to be seen with you and probably would have to have a shower afterwards. Your free marketplace of ideas is bullshit, that's just an excuse to give a platform to horrible people. You obviously make good money doing it but nobody with intelligence takes you seriously, you're a joke with zero credibility and will very happily sell the GLBT community down the river. Unlike other progressives I don't mind his shit show; he can do any show he wants. His opinions are moronic, he sticks up for people who hate the minority group that he is a member of and his downright smearing of his own employer really fucked me off.. Secret satire or a bump on the head is your only defense. Barring those I repeat FUCK YOU!
Posted at 21/11/2019 06:36:15 UTC 0 comments

Baghdaddi, Zuckerburg

The former leader of ISIS is dead due to a raid by the Buffoon administration. It should be a celebratory occasion for most administrations but of course Orange Buffoon made up ridiculous lies and everything is a clown show with him. He said watching the raid was like watching a movie. There was no video feed in the room, already hilarious. He said that the leader was crying and wimpering, nobody has verified this. He said that al-Baghdaddi was worse than Bin Laden, I think it's a valid conversation but it's not for today. It turns out he didn't want Obama getting credit for killing Bin Laden; I shall apply the same standard to Orange Buffoon. He also bragged in his speech that he uses the internet better than ISIS. Absolute lunatic!

For people saying we should let him have his glory. I say fuck no he's still a criminal.

Also I wouldn't be writing about how he's a fucking lunatic and pathological liar if he wasn't a fucking lunatic and pathological liar. The guy does this to himself.

I have always found Baghdaddi to be a funny name, like the city but with a daddy. Like some S&M nickname. It's probably deeply inappropriate to make fun of a dead person's name but he was a terrorist, so who cares?

Orange Buffoon appeared at a sporting event and the crowd booed and chanted Lock him up, lock him up. I love this. I interpret it as a throwback to lock her up. It wasn't a political rally. More importantly the guy is a fucking criminal.

I also like to see Zuckerburg in pain, simply because I hate Facebook. AOC questioned why Facebook allows companies with ties to white supremacists to do fact checking. he passed the buck to an independent organization which is a piss poor excuse as the company doesn't have to use that organization. There's controversy around if Facebook should allow lying in political advertisements. To be fair if you disallow lies in political ads on TV, that's 80% of them gone. Facebook couldn't allow speeches by Orange Buffoon on that standard. The same standard should be applied to both. However if political ads use microtargeting to spread misinformation to certain groups of people; that could be problematic and something should be done about that. They also want to launch a cyptocurrency; they are already too big and have too many properties. I don't even think they should be allowed to have an advertising pixel which tracks the websites you visit. That's the reason when you shop for green dildos advertisements for them appear on Facebook, or is it just me that shops for green dildos? Anyway. They also have aspects of your daily life, the people you know and messages. It's too much information. Now they want to be your wallet. No thanks, fuck off. People made a big deal about the NSA but tech giants like Facebook and Google have similar information about you, and they sell it. It must be reigned in.
Posted at 31/10/2019 05:26:39 UTC 0 comments

Departures, Republicans, Tulsi, G.C.T.

Buffon's chief of staff has resigned after admitting a quid pro quo in the Ukraine saga. He tried to walk it back but the damage was already done.

Rick Perry; the only person from Texas dumber than George W Bush also resigned. Buffoon basically was going around saying the phone call with Ukraine was Perry's idea and like an idiot he agreed. He later clarified that he didn't tell Buffoon to talk about the Bidens.

Republicans are showing early signs of splitting. Even the leader of the Senate wouldn't back up Buffoon's statements this week. Romney is also no fan. Considering this I'll bring the impeachment and removal chance up to 7%. If the Republican criticisms continue maybe removal is a possibility.

Hillary Clinton felt the need to go after Tulsi Gabbard, because, I don't know, she was bored. She said that Russia has a puppet in the race and everyone assumed she was talking about Gabbard. Firstly Hillary Clinton should just go away, there was no reason to speak on this issue. The Gabbard campaign is a joke, she was polling 0.8%, she has been fucking off progressives including myself, we no longer like her. What Clinton did was make Gabbard a martyr and bring her more air time. Go away Hillary. She also didn't back up her claims. There was no reason why she needed to bring up Gabbard. Frankly the less I talk about Gabbard the better. Both can just go away.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is concerned about gay conversion therapy but doesn't want to ban it, at least at this stage. I would disagree. It can lead to psychological harm and increases suicide rate. If we're going with religious freedom why don't we just allow human sacrifice and crucifixion? Banning it is not unheard of and I lean towards banning it.
Posted at 23/10/2019 06:57:09 UTC 0 comments

Orange, Turkey, Debate

Giuliani's associates have been arrested for for relatively boilerplate campaign-finance violations, not a good look! According to some polls the majority of the US support impeachment and removal from office. I am still saying it's about a 5% of that actually happening.

Meanwhile Turkey is attacking the Kurds because of Buffon's pulling out of Syria. He is now threatening Turkey. I am not concerned about this at all. He threatened North Korea and nothing happened. Ironically dictators of North Korea have a history of making threats and doing nothing. He probably has a secret deal with Turkey, so I don't think his threats should be taken seriously.

Another Democrat debate happened. Tulsi threatened to boycott and didn't. It was probably an attention seeking stunt. There were no big moments. Half the people should probably fuck off. Warren is at least tying Biden, which is not good for Sanders. As a result most of the corporatists were attacking Warren. My favourite is Sanders, but Warren would still be acceptable. I've gone off Tulsi. Yang is an one note piano. What colour is the sky? It's U.B.I.! Everyone else I don't care for and apart from Biden they have no chance of winning. Tulsi Gabbard, Andrew Yang also have no chance!
Posted at 17/10/2019 08:43:15 UTC 0 comments

Orange, Turkey, Mitt, Ellen

I wasn't going to talk about Orange Buffoon but he broke yet another law. This time he tried to stop an investigation into one of Rudy's clients. Why would he do this? I don't know. There isn't much else to say. You could question why he's doing this. Does Rudy have something on Buffoon? Is that the reason he's still employed even though he's the worse lawyer ever? Did he do favors for Buffoon as Mayor? You don't hear about these stories unless Buffoon has a personal stake in it, there may be exceptions. I think I am on to something here.

Buffoon pulled troops out of Syria after a phone conversation with the President of Turkey, then Turkey attacked when this was complete. Could this be another conversation for the secret phone server? Was Buffoon promised something? I like the end result, but the way it was executed was foolish and stupid. However unlike other progressives, I'll take it though acknowledge it'll fuck allies and the result of this policy will probably be bad.

Mitt Romney slightly criticized Buffoon so Buffoon said what a loser he is losing to Obama. Not sure that is wise considering Romney is in the Senate and has friends there. I say by all means Orange Buffoon should continue to attack Republican senators. I hope they'll remember the attacks for the impeachment trial.

Ellen DeGeneres was pictured with George W Bush and got criticism. Her defense was people should be kind to each other and she calls lots of people her friends. It's that last part that really pissed me off. You don't need to call war criminals your friends. He's responsible for at least 100,000 unnecessary deaths, torture, taking away people's right to privacy and benefited from GLBT hatred. On many issues he was worse than Orange Buffoon. I don't mind if you're civil to this person but I wouldn't call him my friend. I would use the situation to ask him a bunch of questions, or give him math problems to laugh at how stupid he is, or subtly mock him. Likely a mixture of the first and third. I know some people disagree and are in favour of shunning, and I get that. However I could learn some things from him, though not much because he's a complete idiot. People study psychopaths and poisonous snakes, I would be merely doing that. I wouldn't be contacting him afterwards and I wouldn't ever call him my friend. Maybe I would see what other seats are available. As for Ellen, I liked her old stand up but now I find her milktose and boring, sorry!
Posted at 10/10/2019 08:11:18 UTC 0 comments

Impeachment, Wall

Things are not going well for Orange Buffoon, which makes me happy. He released a summary of the call, which verified what the whistleblower was alleging. He expected it to clear him LOL! It's been revealed that the call is stored on a secret server along with calls with Russia and Saudi Arabia. Release those calls.

I believe the Ukraine call is enough to charge him. It's also clear that the State Department and Attorney General are involved; if they're helping with his political campaign there are probably legal consequences with that. Plus he's coming crimes to cover up his crimes, this is to be expected. If he searches for the whistleblower that is also a crime. He said he's keen to do this. There's also his previous crimes; Pelosi would be foolish to not include them.

Throw everything at him. The Senate probably won't convict but make them endorse a clear criminal.

Rudy Giuliani, I have absolutely no idea why he is still employed by Orange Buffoon. He's terrible at his job and gets his client into more trouble; this was also the case during the Russia investigation. Orange Buffoon can probably sue him for malpractice and should try. Instead he keeps this incompetent clown employed. He practically fires people every week. Any competent person should have fired Rudy a year ago. He sucks at his job!

Job Biden's team sent letters to the media demanding they don't have Rudy on. What idiots! Rudy is your best friend specifically because he is a complete fuck up and admits to crimes on national TV. What are you doing? Let the man speak. He's a train wreck and will only help you campaign. The Democrat establishment is so fucking stupid.

The Secretary of State is telling people at the State Department to ignore subpoenas. In normal circumstances this would be obstruction of justice. At minimum Congress should start jailling people.

Turns out Orange Buffoon is just asking random world leaders to dig up dirt on the FBI and Mueller. These include the Australian Prime Minister and current (for now) Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.. If he was asking his campaign that'd be OK, but this is more possible violations of election laws. He just asked China to investigate the Bidens on TV. This behaviour is pathological!

In other bizarre news apparently Orange Buffoon wanted a wall with a moat. A moat with alligators and snakes. I guess it'd be managed by the Wicked Witch of the West. Sam Vaknim says people with narcissistic personality disorder have their intellectual age freeze at the age the trauma happened. I believe this would explain why his idea appears to be out of a children's book.
Posted at 03/10/2019 21:53:36 UTC 0 comments

Ukraine, impeachment inquiry, Saudi Arabia, Justin Trudeau

Guess what Orange Buffoon did? You will never guess. If you answered not break another law, you'd be wrong! We found out through a whistleblower that he was attempting to bribe Ukraine to get dirt on Joe Biden's son. I do have an alternative take on this. This was fucking stupid to do! Orange Buffoon didn't have to do this. A lot of people can't stand Joe Biden and he's shit at campaigning. I am excited for Joe Biden, said nobody ever! He only has two lines "I'm not Orange Buffoon" and "Obama" . Of course I am not saying Buffoon would definitely beat Biden but it's certainly more likely he would vs other candidates. Ironically if this takes Biden down Buffoon would have screwed himself. As usual he has no idea what he's doing. He could have sent people to dig things up or put pressure. Instead he's practically robbing banks without a mask on. What a fucking idiot.

Nancy Pelosi finally opened an impeachment inquiry. Don't get too excited: this has the potential to be done half arsed. We'll have to wait and see.

iran supposedly attacked an oil asset of Saudi Arabia. Another group took responsibility and this is very important. Unfortunately it looks like Iran gave the group the weapons, so that's not great, but also doesn't mean Iran directly attacked Saudi Arabia. Orange Buffoon sent troops to Saudi Arabia. Why the fuck can't they protect themselves? Because they paid Orange Buffoon a lot of money by staying at his hotels. Which is another thing that the impeachment inquiry should cover. I am pretty sure that he has other personal deals with the Saudis.

Pictures and a video of Justin Trudeau in black face have emerged. My alternative take for this is sure it's bad but his neoliberalism is more of a problem. Centrists leading left-wing parties only hurt the party because either they give validity to people saying both parties are the same or the right-wing party goes batshit crazy like the republicans so people are screwed either way. I don't care if you don't like my opinion, go and complain to someone who cares. Justin Trudeau should probably resign, because nobody likes a person in black face. He's a first term PM so that might save him but it's a massive risk. People just do stupid shit when they're younger. That's unfortunate, but also that's life and he's a liability.
Posted at 25/09/2019 08:11:02 UTC 0 comments

Sharpiegate, John Bolton

Orange Buffoon broke another law, with a Sharpie. Buffoon insisted that Alabama was going to be hit by a hurricane, which it wasn't. My problem with people covering this (including shows I watch) is nobody is discussing how psychotic needlessly worrying people over a natural disaster is, this man is a fucking sociopath. I can't emphasize this enough. Where is the call for impeachment? Seriously? You can't have some crazy person saying a state is going to hit by a natural disaster when it's not. This is utter madness! He drew on a map with a Sharpie. Impeach! 25th amendment! Why are US politicians tolerating a complete nut job as president? Faking such reports is also illegal. Where are the fucking consequences? No fucking where!

John Bolton resigned, good! He can fuck off! This is rare positive news out of the Buffoon administration. He is a big war hawk and he only knows how to advocate for war. I think that Orange Buffoon deserves credit for so far not doing another Iraq or Afghanistan. His foreign policy is not all good but I think that George W Bush was worse, at this period of time.
Posted at 14/09/2019 04:13:08 UTC 0 comments

Greenland, nuking hurricanes, climate change, chosen one, primary

I don't really want to do another Orange Buffoon is stupid post but really, the guy is a fucking idiot. I don't think I can fit all the stupid in this post.

He wants to buy Greenland, a bit funny on it's face but in my opinion can be rationalized by the resources. It's not completely stupid, but hold on, that part is coming. Officials in Denmark heard about this and ridiculed him. Orange Buffoon then tweeted that he cancelled a planned meeting because they were unwilling to discuss the purchase of Greenland. When I first read the tweet I assumed it was satire, but no. This is planet earth in 2019. It's like Mean Girls if one of the characters was a 73 year old man with shit for brains. He also called the Prime Minister of Denmark nasty.

He also wanted staffers to look into nuking hurricanes and suggested they get them over there before they come over here. (Meaning USA) If he did that the hurricane would just carry the nuclear material with it which would be even more of a disaster.

Can you imagine "This hurricane is the wettest we've seen from the standpoint of water and I am going to nuke it! NUKE THE HURRICANE!" I probably shouldn't laugh but really, what else can you do.

I frequently debate whether he's getting worse as he has been a fucking moron throughout his presidency. If that offends some people, sorry. I call a spade a spade. I do think he's now getting worse, though apparently the hurricane comments were made back in 2017 so I don't know how much worse. All I know is if you're asking if it will get worse, the answer is always yes with him.

When asked about climate change he babbled on about wealth. The stupid fucker doesn't understand that investing in green technology could be an economic stimulant.

He also called himself \'the chosen one" when speaking to press and retweeted someone calling him the king of Israel. Full blown lunatic!

The 2020 debates are going to be a shit show.

He also has a primary challenger but I don't think that will go anywhere. However I'm all for anything that will make life for Orange Buffoon slightly more difficult, assuming it does.
Posted at 28/08/2019 05:58:21 UTC 0 comments

Google conspiracies

Buffoon's latest conspiracy theory is Google manipulated 16,000,000 votes, or voters I assume he means. He says that this is a new report. Only the report has been out for two years, and it was debunked! The report only looked at 93 people and the findings was spread out to reflect the entire population, you're not supposed to do this. The study was problematic in other ways and it's just the author's speculation that Google is changing the results, it was not a conclusion of the study.

I am frankly surprised that right-wing sites are not dominating in the search engines considering many Search Engine Optimizers are right-wing lunatics who don't play by the rules. I frequent S.E.O groups, it's painful reading their batshit crazy conspiracy theories.

Also the reason why left-wing sites do better than right-wing sites is the right wing frequently makes up shit. Examples Obama is a Kenyan Muslim and 3 million people voted illegally in the 2016 election. Credible sites including those with the .edu domain name extensions are not going to link to a site promoting crazy conspiracies. This is why the New York Times does better than Breitbart or Infowars.

The ones that manipulate Google are SEOs. I know because I'm a SEO. I'm probably not the best at it. I also think SEO is ignored by well meaning advocates and that's a mistake.
Posted at 21/08/2019 04:13:14 UTC 0 comments

Jeffery Epstein Death

I was going to do a weird Jeffery Epstein story this went but he went and died. So, yeah I am still going to do the story but should talk about his death first.

Was it a suicide? Was it a murder? I don't know, I am not sure I really care.

What is gained by his death? Not much, the investigations will still go on and in fact will be easier now that Epstein can't fight it. I think that the only person dumb enough not to understand this would be Orange Buffoon. He also controls the justice department.

However it could also be some random prisoner acting alone.

Alternatively the conditions could just have been created for him to end his life, whether on purpose or not.

Or maybe Killary Clinton snuck into the jail and did it herself.

I think ultimately if the investigations into his death are inconclusive, you could consider the Buffoon administration guilty. Or if they conclude no foul play but don't allow reviews. Major red flags.

If it was the Clintons Orange Buffoon is going to scream this for the rest of time.

Perhaps it was just gross incompetence.

I'm more concerned about the investigations into his life and who was involved. I hope this information is revealed.

Now for the whacky story. He was paying scientists to create a superior race from his genes. I think that he planned to wipe everyone else out.

I did not make that up. A phrase I now say frequently on here. And it's not directly tied to Orange Buffoon, though the craziness is tied to his former friend.

This sounds like a plot from The X Files or The Blacklist.

The scientists took his money because they couldn't get the funding for research elsewhere. I expect that they knew that Epstein was batshit crazy but still took his money.

Like Michael Jackson; this abuser died before his time. Nobody needs to mourne Epstein, the world is better off.
Posted at 15/08/2019 03:52:35 UTC 0 comments

Massacres, Harris, Debates

The U.S.A. is talking about the latest massacres. There's almost no point in me talking about this as they just argue and do nothing. So it happens again. They argue and do nothing. It's an endless cycle. There is really not much else to say.

The primary cause of their inaction is that the politicians are purchased by the National Rifle Association, that's all it is. If it was the 2nd Amendment Clinton couldn't have banned assault rifles. They can do it, they just choose not to because the politicians would rather take the N.R.A money (which by the way has money-laundering allegations) than do anything about this. In a few months I'll probably will be making the same point.

Kamala Harris just tweeted that she will ban the import of assault rifles. I am at a loss on why she's pushing this considering it will do almost nothing to fix the problem and I'm being generous. I can't think of anything more pointless frankly. Why is she citing this as good policy? It's absolute shit. People will just buy guns that are domestically manufactured. This is a policy made up of words, it's policy for the sake of policy. If anything it'll enrich the domestic gun manufacturers. Ok, I am done ranting about this.

In the last debate Tulsi Gabbard went after Kamala Harris record as a prosecutor; I enjoyed that. Harris didn't answers regarding the allegations. Basically Tulsi accused Harris of sending poor families to jail, hiding evidence in death-row cases and using prisoners as cheap Labour. After the debate Kamala called Tulsi an Assad apologist, which doesn't address the allegations at all. While I like Tulsi she's problematic and has no chance, still I give her props for that moment.

The polls mostly hasn't change the since the first debate. Biden is about double what you'll get if you added Warren and Sanders together, which is not good.

There is really no point in people polling 1% to be in the race since they can't enter debates. Most should have probably fucked off after the first debate. Maybe some are delusional narcissists. Even so, 60% of the candidates now have no chance, most should just fuck off and stop taking up the news cycle with their narcissism. Go home!
Posted at 07/08/2019 07:01:30 UTC 0 comments

Racist Buffoon, Jared Kushner, Lying Buffoon

Another week another Orange Buffoon is racist story. Short version he's calling a district of primarily people with black skin rat infested and a congressman with black skin to go back and fix his district. I'm bored of this. The media needs to stop calling out his racism, because everyone should fucking know he's a racist.

Now, speaking of rat infested, Jared Kushner has property in that area and yes he could fix it and chooses not to. So rather than bothering a congressman which already has a job why doesn't Orange Buffoon just ask the Buffoon-in-law? If Buffoon was so concerned about the rats he'd ask for legislation to be tougher of landlords, of course he's not going to do that.

Buffoon said that he was at ground zero while doing a press conference about the compensation fund for first responders. Nobody can verify this, of course! They can verify that he took money meant to help small businesses through 9/11 and he bragged that he had the tallest building. Buffoon is disgusting, what's new? There's probably not much of a story here. Why is giving health-care to first responders a political issue anyway? The U.S.A. is absurd.
Posted at 01/08/2019 05:57:17 UTC 0 comments

Pale Buffoon, Epstein, Spacey

The UK has a new Prime Minister, I shall call him Pale Buffoon. He is a bit of a clown and his hair looks like Orange Buffoon. His real name is Boris Johnson, he was the face of the Brexit movement. Britain has been fucking around regarding Brexit, they don't know what they are doing. Since Brexit two Prime Ministers have resigned. Maybe they're trying to out do Australia with PM changes?

A huge sex trafficking investigation is underway and it involves Jeffery Epstein, a man who was a known associate of Orange Buffoon and Bill Clinton. Buffoon frequently partied with Epstein but had a falling out. Clinton also claims that he had a falling out. How convenient. Information probably will come out about at least one. I think that I will wait to comment until that time. It is very odd that the prosecutor that gave Epstein a plea deal ended up in the Buffoon administration and has now resigned from his position. He allowed Epstein the ability to leave prison to work and apparently he was still abusing victims at this time. Buffoon says he hires the "best people". Obviously the "best people" to Orange Buffoon give rich people a slap on the wrist when they commit crimes. Epstein used the same bank as Orange Buffoon, which probably says more about the bank than anything else. Epstein had Saudi Arabian passports, I guess as you do if you're guilty of horrific crimes. Will he finally face justice?

Charges are dropped against Kevin Spacey, this doesn't mean he's innocent, or guilty. Certainly a less lowsome character than Epstein. If something shady happened sadly it doesn't look like he'll face justice if he did it. It wasn't only one accusation keep in mind. If there are at least two accusers, how many guys haven't come forward? Zero? More than? There should at least be a question mark over his name.
Posted at 24/07/2019 08:23:10 UTC 0 comments

Four women, Subpoenas

So another Orange Buffoon is racist story, I am seriously bored of this. I was considering not covering this until I realize the four people involved already receive death threats and Orange Buffoon saying that they hate the country will only increase the threats. Even that is is nothing new. Remember the bombs some deranged lunatic sent to Buffoon's enemies? Remember the attacks on the press? Nancy Pelosi condemned it in the house. She can still impeach, she chooses not to. I will give her no credit, patheticly weak leader she is.

Two minutes ago Orange Buffoon hated Nancy Pelosi and Amazon, now since four women of different races have spoken out against both of them, he is defending them and attacking the four women. Nobody should be surprised by them. Flip flopping and racism is kind of what he does.

He told the four women to go back to their own country, but 3/4 were born in the United States. What I found significantly more amusing is he criticizes them for saying how the country should be run. This is kind of the point of politicians LOL!

Imagine someone being elected and then going I'm completely indifferent to how the country is run. Taxes, don't care! Health-care, don't care! Who knew health-care could be this complicated! Immigration, I don't care do you? Judges, who needs judges? Spot the Buffoon/Mrs Buffoon quotes. Maybe I accidentally stumbled on some projection here.

Meanwhile Kellyanne Conway is not showing up for Subpoenas. If the Democrats had any guts they would throw her in jail, but obviously they don't so apparently Subpoenas from Congress are optional now.
Posted at 17/07/2019 07:08:42 UTC 0 comments

Compensation Parade, Iran, Debate

It's that time of the month when I have to remind everyone what a fucking moron the leader of the free world is. At his Compensation Parade (4th of July military parade to everyone else but my title is more honest.) he said that the British took over the airports in the Revolutionary War. Airplanes weren't invented at that time. He went on to name the different airpoints, which didn't fucking exist at that time. He named JFK airport, an airport named after a person born over 100 years later. He also implied that the inventor of the telephone was from USA, he was born in Scotsland and moved to Canada. Now if you don't know basic history, totally fine but if you're the President and are doing a speech at your own event then you probably should know what the fuck you're talking about.

The US is probably going to wars with Iran the question is when. John Bolton and other assholes are trying to provoke Iran and looking for excuses. Orange Buffoon even ordered a strike, then cancelled at the last minute, which is good, I guess. It is kind of like congratulating a dog for shitting on the sofa and not dragging the poo elsewhere.

The winners from the first Democrat debate were Harris and Warren. Biden is down, so is Sanders. Everybody else is polling fuck all and probably should drop out. Out of the four Biden had the weakest performance: Harris went after him for working with segregationists. It wasn't a good night for him. It isn't a good time for Sanders either since he isn't rising. We have two establishment candidates and two progressive candidates as the main race for now.
Posted at 11/07/2019 07:18:13 UTC 0 comments

GoFundMe, Don Brash, John Bolton

Sigh, this is the issue that won't die. I have to explain free speech to idiots. So the (probably closeted) rugby player started a GoFundMe to fund his legal defense, it got shut down. Firstly HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Secondly idiots are claiming this is a free speech issue. Free speech just means that the government can't punish you for your speech, it has nothing to do with contracts, social media platforms or crowd funding websites. They all have the right to tell you to fuck off. Sure, you can argue whether they should have that ability like arguing whether a baker should be forced to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple which conservatives side with the baker. So again absolutely no consistency with conservatives. I guess the difference is there is no public harm done by baking a cake, well unless you're a particularly awful baker. Allowing corporations and organizations to do as they please is consistent with right wing ideologies. What if a player said fuck all christians? I bet the free speech conservatives would be singing a different tune. I think free speech to some just means that I want you to accept my bigoted opinions and don't care what rights you have!

Don Brash entered the circus because he can't have another person getting credited for being a bigot. Firstly like the rugby player why does the media care what he thinks? This is an irrelevant person commenting on an irrelevant rugby players comments. Doesn't the media have anything better to cover? Even Jacinda's wedding plans would be more relevant than this shit. Who is at home wondering what Don Brash thinks about anything?

Don Brash once said that protesters were interrupting his free speech. So the guy that almost lead the country (New Zealand) doesn't understand the very basic fact that free speech rights are a governmental issue. That is just scary! The protesters also have free speech.

Again I don't fucking care what these people have to say, nobody should fucking care what these people have to say. Stop covering this fucking issue!

Oh and John Bolton is trying his hardest to invade Iran but Orange Buffoon won't let him. Thank fuck for that. When I am routing for Orange Buffoon against you, you're really a fucked up person. I hope that Buffoon sticks with it.
Posted at 26/06/2019 06:19:33 UTC 0 comments

Pelosi, Huckabee-Sanders, Publicity for bigots

Nancy Pelosi tweeted the hashtag #LawlessPresident, what a joke she is. It's like a cop yelling lawless guy when they see someone robbing a bank. I am not sure who I dislike more Pelosi or Orange Buffoon. Well probably Buffoon but Pelosi isn't far behind. DO A FUCKING IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY ALREADY! The response to her tweet were 90% saying she should impeach. She's a dumb person, she is assuming impeachment will make the Democrats lose but when Clinton was impeached over fewer crimes and not being a lifelong criminal the opposing party WON the election in 2000. It's called history. Look it the fuck up. Bill Clinton was likable, Orange Buffoon is not. There's no reason not to impeach, Pelosi has no idea what she's doing and should be removed from her role.

Sarah Huckabee-Sanders left the Buffoon administration, no big surprise. Rumors about her leaving were going around for at least six months. She probably hated her job as Press Secretary, the briefings were unusually rare under her probably because she had no credibility and/or sucked at her job. If you're keeping score this is the second press secretary to leave, the first was a joke too. I wonder what clown they'll put up next..

I am sick of stories about anti gay bigots like that rugby fuckwit last week. I know I did a story but there's an update to the story, which I will not read and will not cover. People don't need to know about a new attack by a bigot. At a certain point the media is just giving publicity to these people. Such companies are making a choice to do so. They're giving people bigger microphones, they should stop. Before the free speech brigade cries, free speech does not entitle you to have news stories written about you.Of course the media can decide who they give attention to, but right now their decision sucks!
Posted at 20/06/2019 07:21:38 UTC 0 comments

Crowder, Straight pride parades, Folau

Steven Crowder is a comedian, but personally I think he can more accurately be described as an asshole. A journalist complained that he was getting constant gay slurs from Crowder and this violated YouTube's terms of service, which it does. YouTube since responded claiming it doesn't but offered no further clarification. I think it's a case of selective enforcement. The channel has since been demonetized; if he was doing nothing wrong why demonetize him? I believe that YouTube has the right to decide what is on its platform (conservatives don't btw) but the journalist should look into harassment laws and if appropriate take action against Crowder or YouTube. Crowder does punch down comedy and pokes fun of the powerless; he once imitated a person in a wheelchair and does similar to trans people. Comedy usually punches up because if you do that you're not being a complete asshole.
A few idiots in Boston want a straight pride parade, because, they want to be victims and/or deeply insecure about their sexuality. Sure that's not the official reason, but read between the lines! I don't mind a straight pride parade but I don't see a reason for it. Nobody is stopping people from being straight, people aren't bullied for being straight, laws aren't passed against straight people, straight sex is not banned in some countries, neither is straight marriage. As Cenk Uygur says some people can't wait to be victims. Boohoo we don't have a straight parade. If you think you need a straight parade, you're probably not straight.

Nobody is told they're going to hell just because they're straight.

An (probably closeted) Australian rugby player Israel Folau is suing because he keeps telling gay people they're going to hell on social media and was fired. Firstly many organizations have good character clauses, he broke that though honestly those things are just a catch all for anything controversial and is selectively enforced. I don't like organizations dictating what people can or can't say in private. However it's not exactly private if you said it on social media to thousands of followers that you only have because of your sport. The majority of them only give a shit about him because of his career. Some of them might be struggling GLBT and telling them they're going to hell might not be something they need. Do organizations including corporate sponsors have to deal with homophobia? Shouldn't they be allowed to exercise their rights not to support someone? It also escapes them from further bad press and boycotts; if something rises to that level something ruled by capitalism would have to act, which by the way is the free market at work. The free market has decided the guy is an asshole.
Posted at 12/06/2019 04:32:50 UTC 0 comments

Australia, Sleepy Joe Biden, Strategy

The right wing won the recent election in Australia. According to a commentator I follow the Labor leader was piss weak and stood for nothing other than we're not the tories. It is clear that the strategy is a loser. Didn't work for the Democrats in 2016, didn't work for NZ Labour in 2008. We're not the tories isn't a viable election strategy and does not inspire people to vote for you.

I don't want to give credit to Orange Buffoon but maybe he's on to something with the nickname Sleepy Joe Biden. Joe Biden believes he can work with Republicans when he gets in. Was Biden in a coma throughout Obama's entire presidency? Republicans didn't let Obama do anything. The right-wing solution to health-care got NO votes from the right-wing party, although many Democrats lean right-wing by international standards, it got NO Republican votes. Obama kept reaching out, the Republicans kept punching him in the face. The same thing will happen. Biden is not great on policy but this also shows a deep lack of understanding of the political climate in the USA today, and hell the political climate in the last decade.

Nancy Pelosi said that she'll pray for Orange Buffoon after he stormed out of an infrastructure meeting. While this was wonderfully patronizing Ben Dixon had the best commentary; this sounds like thoughts and prayers after a massacre, they do nothing. Nancy: Don't pray, impeach!

If I was her I would get every Democrat to go on TV and say constantly he's a criminal (because it's fucking true) then I would start impeachment proceedings, go through the documents that would be uncovered because of the inquiry. Then I would likely have a new set of crimes, the Democrats will just repeat criminal criminal criminal throughout. If the Republicans don't convict at least his name will be toxic. This is how you fucking do politics!

Hillary Clinton partly lost because they turned her name to shit! They investigated the shit out of her, even though the investigations found nothing. You already have an investigation that uncovered crimes and it only scratched the surface. Stop being so fucking weak and enforce the law!
Posted at 29/05/2019 05:44:05 UTC 0 comments

Subpoenas, Facebook bans

Over the past few weeks it has basically been Democrats subpoenas, Buffoon administration, Buffoon administration ignores subpoena. William Barr has been held in contempt of congress/kind of/but not really, which doesn't go far enough. They should jail every administration official that doesn't comply with the s, throw them all in jail until they do what's legally required of them.

Buffoon Jr has been subopened by the senate which is an interesting twist as it is republican controlled. I predict it will be a bunch of soft ball interviews, but I could be wrong.

Facebook banned a bunch of horrible people and misfits. Someone that says Sandy Hook was fake (or an inside job, I don't remember) went on the Alex Jones show and said she wasn't a conspiracy theorist. LOL if I was going to say that I wasn't a conspiracy theorist the last possible place that I would announce it would be on Alex Jones. How ridiculous. I don't think that you should be be banned from online platforms just for being a conspiracy theorist. On the other hand saying that grieving families are actors is slanderous. Conspiracy theorists sometimes are a public nuisance when they convince people that climate change is a hoax. Private corporations are about profits, they are not responsible for enforcing free speech. If they get sued because they allow slander that will eat into their bottom line and that is a problem for them. Government regulations may fix this but ironically some right-wingers that want to say racist and conspiratoral nonsense hate regulations. They need to decide what they hate more corporate censorship or government regulations. Corporations are just not going to allow people to post everything, clearly that idea is just ideological and does not translate into the real world, much like their economic ideas. Another option would be to crowd fund a platform that's hosted in Panama or somewhere similar that ignores laws.
Posted at 12/05/2019 08:00:32 UTC 0 comments

Meuller, Buttigieg, Biden, Terrorism

A redacted version of the Mueller report is out, I changed my mind. I did say there was no collusion during the election, but this is only part of the story. The Tower meeting proves the intent to collude by Buffoon Jr and possibly others, which is still a crime. Also Buffoon tried to obstruct justice about ten different times, again this is still a crime even if the idiot was unsuccessful. My conclusion remains the same, lock this fucker up. Actually scrap that, lock his son up too.

Pete Buttigieg is running for president, he has fuck all policy (because he's a corporatist) and should be ignored. As mayor he didn't do anything about racist police officers. He's for taking big donor money. He recently spoke badly about Bernie Sanders supporters. Hillary Clinton was also dismissive of Bernie supporters, that didn't work out for her. I've noticed a similar trend as the 2016 Republican primary, the media picks their favourite for a few weeks then whoever fizzles out. His answer for health-care is the public option, which is not great but meh. The problem with that is that health-care companies just push the really expensive people to the government plan which makes it less efficient than universal health-care. He doesn't believe in universal college. His attitude is neoliberal and short sighted as once you take away the debt people have more money to spend in the economy which will grow it. I am NOT a bleeding heart liberal; people annoy me. I am just for smart economics instead of the neoliberal crap which doesn't work for most people Despite being gay he gets a NO from me because his ideas suck.

There's countless other candidates that I haven't reviewed and probably would be pointless to review. I'll do one occasionally.

Joe Biden announces, I already hate his campaign. His announcement video sucked, no policy at all. I just got he's not Orange Buffoon from his video. His video felt empty of an actual vision apart from let's go back to when we weren't racist. Terrible ad, terrible candidate!

A terrorist attack happened over easter in Sri Lanka. There is not much to say, terrorism is horrible, ISIS is horrible. I believe that Orange Buffoon claimed victory over ISIS a few weeks ago, well I guess he was mistaken. Sounds like Bush's mission accomplished moment. The US needs to employ smarter strategies against fighting terrorism. The death toll is over 300. It's a tragedy for the country and the people involved.
Posted at 26/04/2019 04:36:50 UTC 0 comments

Buffoon and Joe Biden

Buffoon fired the homeland security head, apparently because she wasn't willing to break the law as much as Buffoon would have liked. On the one hand I say let the bastard break the law, perhaps he'll get impeached. On the other hand he has broken "many many" laws so who knows if that will happen.

The head of the secret service has been fired because a Chinese spy was found at Mar-a-Largo. Not sure why the secret service is responsible for a private company. (update, these things are not connected) The entity that hired the spy is obviously run by dumb people. All they had to do was pay $200,000 for a membership, perhaps they didn't have the money. I know I don't.

There's another Chinese woman selling access to Buffoon, she had ladies of the night in her last line of work I believe. I think she is under investigation. If all parties were consenting, I don't really care but it is one more publicly blunder for the Buffoon administration and it is amusing.

Joe Biden is under fire for making women uncomfortable. Firstly this is not new news. He has a reputation of being creepy old Joe! Considering Buffoon has about 6 assault allegations against him, well if nobody like Joe can be in office, Buffoon must resign immediately. Do we have a deal. Biden was joking about the situation earlier in the week which angered some parts of the left. Bottom line: nobody's accusing him of assault unlike Buffoon so if it is Biden vs Buffoon, vote for Biden. However Biden is too centrist for me, so I hope that he loses the primary if he enters.
Posted at 11/04/2019 09:52:41 UTC 0 comments

Orange Buffoon, Mueller report, Anger, Leaving Neverland

I just watched a clip from Cenk Uygur about Buffoon may be unwell because he said his father was born in Germany when he was born in the US. Two problems with this. Buffoon is mentality unwell, no shit! Second problem, this isn't the first time he said this. I believe he said this in the Art of the Deal book and on his UK visit. So this alone doesn't indicate deterioration. You're not going to convince me otherwise. He said more crazy things, wind power causes cancer, republicans lost the midterms because of forged votes, Mueller report had oranges. You didn't misread the last one. Perhaps that would indicate deterioration. The other stuff is typical crazy Buffoon.

Mueller didn't find collusion before the election; this doesn't mean that a deal wasn't made after the election. This also means I was right all along. Democrats should have impeached him before the Mueller report on other charges. They still should impeac. He committed obstruction of justice clear as day, plus the illegal hush money payments, several constitutional violations, fraud before he was election. How many crimes can this guy commit before anybody in Washington holds him accountable? This is a serious question. I'll just quote what Orange Buffoon said about the central park five after they were found innocent. He "must be guilty of something".

I still haven't learned the last name of the Christchurch terrorist and I hope it stays this way. Luckily people have stopped posting pictures of him on social media. I will not be reading his manifesto either. The justice system will deal to him no matter what, there's no point getting angry. Anger is fine if you can change things or entertain people. Neither applies to this situation. There's also no point of view or arguments in this situation. So the terrorist is best forgotten about and the focus must be on the victims.

I did watch Leaving Neverland and I left with one conclusion, the parents were idiots. One quote stuck with me "He could go anywhere, he could do anything, but he wanted to spend time with my son". That sounds like a major red flag to me. The parents were idiots. I am not victim blaming, the parents were not the victims. Of course Jackson should have faced justice, but he was rich, so that didn't happen. It was mostly an one sided movie but there's also the settlement, multiple other court cases, medical book material found at his home. It's sad to think a guy that I admired in my younger days did those things. I guess that's life.
Posted at 04/04/2019 03:33:03 UTC 0 comments

Christchurch Terror Attack

There has been a terror attack in Christchurch, New Zealand where I live. The target were Muslims. I don't feel like addressing anything else. I can say I think the government has the right solution. Luckily they appear to be following the Australian solution rather than the US which frankly offers no solutions whatsoever so massacres keep happening. Luckily we don't have the NRA buying off politicians. Nobody needs access to military grade weapons except the military. I don't care about your sport or duck shooting. People claim they're being punished due to the attack. Are you being punished by the government not allowing you to have tanks or nuclear weapons? I know they're taking it away but the fact is countries without assault rifles don't have these types of attacks. For me the real question is why after the dozens of massacres in the US those weapons were still able to be purchased here? Some of those lives could have been saved. You can't kill as many people with other types of people with other types of weaponry, that's just a fact. Also this is proposing a solution, not politicizing a tragedy to be clear. I don't accept people are politicizing a tragedy by proposing solution. If you don't have a solution it would be more likely to happen again.

The terrorists will probably claim Muslims are the violent ones. This is not true. Many groups have their radical fringes; they do not speak for everyone in the group. The only violent ones here are the white supremacist terrorists.

I was once accused of defensive of Muslims. I am not defensive of Muslims, I am just not a bigot.

The problem is that people believe things about the Muslim community that are just not true. People prefer to hate than fact check and their ideas accumulate. Sometimes it leads to this.

Earthquakes, a terrorist attack, what's next? Christchurch again needs to heal. Also frankly you could better do this by staying away from Facebook comments.
Posted at 17/03/2019 03:18:29 UTC 0 comments

Michael Jackson

Some people believe that Michael Jackson's music should be gone because of his alleged abused. I say alleged but honestly I am just saying alleged for the sake of saying alleged. I believe he was a predator. I never believed he was, but after medical book material with graphic images was found at his home, I really don't see any other explanation, sorry. Plus he did settle a court case. If you don't believe he's a predator, you probably have a bad case of blindness due to emotional attachment. I don't want to argue with people online about this, I don't care what you believe. Maybe I am wrong. Allegations go back 25 years, and that is my problem with this. Suddenly they decided to take away his music? Huh? It's possible that the combination of the documentary and the modified culture lead to this. Perhaps it is a sign of culture evolving.

If you've been a victim of abuse I can understand why people celebrating such a man make you uneasy.

However the music industry full of creeps and abusers; mostly to a lesser extent than Jackson's allegations. The sad reality is that you'd exclude a lot of artists depending of what threshold you start the acceptable level of behaviour.

Thinking about it objectively this doesn't really affect my life and doesn't really hurt anybody, so whatever. I don't really care if he isn't on the radio but would point out they should have done that when he was alive for the sake of consistency. I also see why people may think they're punishing the fans. Ultimately I have better things to worry about than whether Michael Jackson is allowed on the airways.
Posted at 10/03/2019 03:23:58 UTC 0 comments

North Korea, Michael Cohen, CGT, Right wing leaders

Commander Bone Spurs is in Vietnam (finally) he has done a deal with Kim Jong-un. I use the term deal loosely as it asserts North Korea will scale back nukes but the US is not going to verify anything. In other words it's nothing. My best interpretation is that the US government knows that North Korea will not give up their nukes so they wanted to do a deal, without doing a deal. Farron Cussins speculates that Orange Buffoon just wants to build towers in North Korea; although I really don't think that would be worth his while. He bankrupted casinos and tried to sell Vodka to Russians, even if it is bad business sense, that is totally his M.O.

Michael Cohen testified against Orange Buffoon, some notes
He didn't plan on winning the election, so my first instinct was right.
He knew about the tower meeting, not surprised.
He paid back Cohen the hush money payment after the election and it was solely because of the election that he paid. Again not surprised and he theoretically could be impeached over this..
He knew about the Wikileaks email dump before it happened.
Cohen threatened Buffoon's schools not to release his grades. Proving my point that he has always been an idiot.

Apart from the last I'm not surprised by most of it. Everyone is saying bombshells but frankly I kind of assumed most of the points already. I did go back and forward on whether he wanted to win. I'll take the word of his lawyer.

Meanwhile in New Zealand the Tax Working Group recommended a Capital Gains Tax. The over cynical side of me says that they must have built a time machine as this was Labour's policy in 2011. I am not entirely clear why people say it'll be too complicated considering most of the OECD has it. You tell them that they shift the goal post saying the US has it and it hasn't reduced inequality, which completely ignores the fact that since the Regan administration taxes have gone down, which ironically is an argument for more taxation. A quick look on Wikipedia reveals there are about a dozen countries with higher income and sales taxes than us. I am not arguing for a C.G.T. here but facts are facts. I say we tax Facebook and block the site if it doesn't pay, because if it doesn't pay at least the fucking site will be blocked.

Jenny Shipley and other Mainzeal directors were ordered by the High Court to pay combined compensation of $36 million to Mainzeal creditors. My only point is why do right winger leaders suck at business?
Rodger Douglas had a failed pig farm.
George W Bush had a failed oil company.
Orange Buffoon had failed casinos, plus at minimum five other failed businesses.
Perhaps they just suck at managing things.
Posted at 01/03/2019 03:03:05 UTC 0 comments

National emergency and Bernie Sanders

I for one am grateful a national emergency has been declared. The president is an idiotic lunatic. One should have been declared on inauguration. Of course it's not the reason Orange Buffoon declared one, he just wants funding for his ridiculous border wall. A border wall that is completely unnecessary as crossings has remained stagnant for years, more drugs are found at legal ports of entry, undocumented immigrants commit crimes at lower rates because they don't want to be sent back, the economy feeds on immigration and people overstaying their visas is a good portion of illegal immigration. Additionally people can just dig under walls. So there is no emergency and even if there was a border wall wouldn't fix it.

Orange Buffoon said he "didn't need to do this" in reference to the national emergency. I'm not entirely sure that he knows what an emergency is.

I predict that this will get struck down in court which would give Orange credibility to say to his moronic base that he did everything possible and but the wall could not be built. Which ignores the fact that he could have gotten it very easily by holding the tax cuts hostage, luckily he's a complete idiot and never thought of this.

Bernie Sanders is running for president. Cue the hatred from the establishment because he would represent the people instead being a corporatist. I hope that he wins. Elizabeth Warren and Tulsi Gabbard are good enough choices but they have their issues with electability. He has name recognition, filled stadiums of people last time and has a constant net positive approval rating. On the other hand he will be constantly demonized especially in the media. He will be a massive gamble but I say roll the dice. Ironically Orange Buffoon have conditioned a percentage of people to hate the media so that may lessen the effect. While true that he didn't win the primary last time 40% against the "Clinton machine" with the media being favorable towards Clinton was a good effort, he did even better with independents. Money could be a problem but I believe Orange Buffoon won with less money than Clinton so who knows.
Posted at 21/02/2019 04:57:06 UTC 0 comments

Democrates and stupid people complaining

Amy Klobuchar is running for president, I don't know who she is or her record. I do know she's not for Medicare For All so we can put her in the centrist category. She has barely been featured in progressive news shows which tells me that she's not that amazing and the lack of a public profile does not tell me that she has prepared well for a run. Meh.

Elizabeth Warren formally announced she's running for president, confirming what everyone already knew.

This week I feel like a rant: In New Zealand someone spotted an advertisement saying \'stop gender self identification, call your M.P. today". I bet these are the same assholes who would say the left is all about identity politics, while they spend time and money advocating against an identity issue. Why is self identity a problem? Why? These people should mind their own business. Right wingers say that the left wants to control people's life's, well what the fuck are you doing? If this isn't controlling people's life, I don't know what is.

Self identification isn't an actual problem. CLIMATE CHANGE IS! IT IS CAUSING WILDFIRES, FLOODS AND OCCASIONALLY EXTINCTION OF ANIMALS, CAN WE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT??? It will only get worse causing food shortages and even more natural disasters. No matter how many times President Orange Fuck Face tweets about it's snowing so there's no global warming, 99.7% of scientists say that climate change is happening. Unlike him they understand the difference between the global temperature of the climate and a cold day.

Self identification really doesn't affect anyone but the people who want to identify as their preferred gender. The same people who call people on the left snowflakes are spending money on an issue that really doesn't affect them.

I also have no time for people saying Star Wars is ruined because they made characters black. Or they made Buffy black, I'm a little snowflake so I'm melting down over fiction I don't have to watch. Oh for fuck sakes. How about you get offended by poverty and the state of the global environment instead of the fact Bond is now a woman. Seriously, fuck off! Oh you're against Social Justice Warriors but spend time constantly complaining about them instead of focusing on real issues.

I spend time complaining on how I'm not allowed in mosh pits by some asshole venues that don't even have a legal requirement to do so as far as I can tell. However I acknowledge that it isn't the biggest issue facing humanity. At least I'm not getting upset over fictional characters or denying people rights because it offends me.

For fuck sakes!
Posted at 14/02/2019 04:33:17 UTC 0 comments

Venezuela , Nuclear weapons, Ojeda, Booker

Venezuela had its election and it was not democratic. Countries are using this to get dictator out of power. Putin also runs rigged elections I don't remember the same calls to get him out of power. Orange Buffoon lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million. Yes the people are not starving but there's billions of starving people that the US does not help.

This is about oil and the hatred of a left government, nothing more.

John Bolton said that it would be different if US oil companies could invest in the country. I guess he's OK with starving people as long as US corporations make money.

Regime change will be another clusterfuck brought to you by the Neocons.

Speaking of clusterfucks the US has pulled out of a treaty which bound them to stop building nuclear weapons. Russia has responded by saying that it will begin developing nuclear missiles. Clusterfuck!

Richard Ojeda left the Democrat primary race. He felt going up against the corporate machines was pointless for the average man and didn't want people to waste their money. I didn't think that he had a hope in hell anyway.

Cory Booker is running for president, he's a Wall Street Democrat. He voted against a bill which would have allowed the import of pharmaceutical drugs which would have resulted in lower prices and is enthusiastic about charter schools. I give him a hell no!
Posted at 07/02/2019 02:41:44 UTC 0 comments

Four shut down solutions, three corporate democrats

I don't have much to say, government is still shut down. You could end the shut down in two words: 25th amendment! The president is literally too crazy and stupid to keep the government open. "Bye bye" The republicans enable Buffoon. They also could open the government tomorrow if they wanted, through overriding a veto. They're choosing not to. The republicans deserve equal blame. Also the felonies are piling up. Impeachment could be an option, if the republicans had guts, which they don't. Yes blame the fucking republican politicians for this mess. Maybe they should just say they're giving him border wall funding but not put it in the bill, it's not like he will read it.

Julian Castro, Kirsten Gilibrand and Kamala Harris are running for president.

Julian Castro comes off as a extremely fake corporate politician, actually all three do.

Kamala Harris is famous in progressive circles for not prosecuting One West bank which ripped off people. The head of it is now the treasury secretary. Drain the swamp? Yeah right!

Kirsten Gilibrand was a Corporate Democrat two years ago but after 2016 she's suddenly a progressive Democrat. Even if you believe she's change there's more reliable progressive Democrates in the race. Gilibrand is more savvy than Hillary Clinton about pandering to the left. I got the impression that Ana Kasparian thought that Kirsten researched Ana's political positions and was pandering to her. She said that her campaign will be about gender issues, which I take as code for "I'm going to do fuck all about income inequality".

No to all three.
Posted at 23/01/2019 02:05:45 UTC 0 comments

McDonalds and Tulsi Gabbard

The US government is still shut down. It is affecting White House meals so Orange Buffoon ordered stacks of McDonalds and other fast food. I am not making this up, which is a common phrase I use to report on this administration because everything is so fucking ridiculous. You can see pictures on Twitter of him smiling near stacks of fast food, he's a fucking clown. It isn't the biggest problem of the shut down. National parks have gone to shit and workers are forced to open up GoFundMe campaigns because they aren't being paid. TSA workers are not showing up again because they're not getting paid. Having fast food at the White House isn't the biggest problem however replacing prepared meals with commercialized fast food is wonderfully symbolic of this administration and perhaps the Republican approach to governing in general.

Tulsi Gabbard is running for president; I at first was really enthused but after more information has come to my attention Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren would probably be better however Tulsi would be a much better choice than any of the corporate Democrates. Political hack Howard Dean has been attacking her anti gay past. OK let's look at the Clintons' anti gay past. Bill Clinton signed anti gay legislation and Hillary Clinton didn't support equal marriage in 2008, Hillary I believe came out in support of equal marriage in 2014 which was two years after Tulsi Gabbard did. Hillary and Obama were allowed to "evolve" on the issue but Tulsi Gabbard is the devil, fuck off! Her father was an anti gay extremist (such people are more likely to be closeted homosexuals, just throwing it out there) and Tulsi got sucked in to his hate but is now supportive of gay rights. The Human Rights Campaign gave her 90%-100% on GLBT rights. I don't know what else these people want. Before people complain I know Hillary is not responsible for Bill's signing of anti gay legislation, I agree but I don't remember her speaking out at the time either, her record isn't squeaky clean and this was another thing. I didn't want to discuss Hillary Clinton's past or Hillary Clinton at all but people are bitching about Tulsi's past and they were happily supporting Hillary Clinton just three years ago. What the fuck? Tulsi is supportive of Medicare For All and Cannabis legalization. She is generally known as being anti war and has done things like introduced the Stop Arming Terrorists Act and wants out of Afghanistan. However her foreign policy is also problematic. She is OK with drone strikes and even torture under the right circumstances. Maybe she's ignorant on the fact that drone strikes kill up to 90% civilians and torture often leads to the wrong intel. What really pushed me over the edge was learning that Elizabeth Warren might be more willing to regulate corporations more than Tulsi. Tulsi is apparently in favor of less regulations but I have not verified this. If that turns out to be wrong. I will reconsider my position. David Pakman said this but all I can find on Google is Tulsi being supportive of regulations. She also has ties to right-wing nationalists in India; it's possible that she has too much baggage. Gabbord endorsed Bernie in the primaries, Warren did not. This is important as it speaks to her courage. Conclusion, again if she's the last progressive standing I'd pick her but I'd probably wait for the debates to see which progressive I would favor.
Posted at 16/01/2019 01:55:19 UTC 0 comments

Manaford, Buffoon, Elizabeth Warren

I just heard about this. You know Paul Manaford: Trump's Treasonus campaign manager? (apologies for using his name but couldn't resist the word play) It turns out Manaford's lawyer's gave a document to prosecutors but redacted stuff out. Apparently they don't know how to redact effectively as prosecutors could highlight the redacted parts in the computer document that the lawyers sent and the letters showed up. How incompetent is that? Why is everyone even remotely associated with the Buffoon campaign either a criminal or completely incompetent? You can't make this shit up! Apparently money doesn't buy competent people. He was feeding Buffoon's polling data to people in Russia; a surprise to nobody!

The US government is still shut down. I thought Buffoon was a great deal maker. Apparently not.

Everyone thinks Elizabeth Warren is running for President; she formed an exploratory committee which pretty much confirms she is. As I understand it she's a tad to the right of Bernie but they believe similar things. I note she hasn't joined the Justice Democrats and didn't endorse Sanders in the primary. She has been speaking to big cash donors too. On the other hand she's basically responsible for the CFPB and has lectured on economic issues; her lectures are very interesting. I doubt she'd be a neoliberal but how she'll handle the republicans would be critical. If she's not a push over it'll be great and I think she's fairly strong, just needlessly responds to stupid attacks. David Pakman thinks she's not particularly relateable, perhaps give her media training.
Posted at 09/01/2019 08:05:45 UTC 0 comments

Republicans, Orange Buffoon, Google

I was going to say something positive about Orange Buffoon and the Republicans but the government is shut down because Orange Buffoon had a tantrom over the wall again. Sigh.

The positive things were Buffoon ordered troops out of Syria and a criminal justice reform bill was passed. This is good news.

There's speculation that the Syrian situation was ordered by Putin. However even if true this should be viewed as a positive even if the people making the decision are scumfucks.

The Orange F Buffoon Foundation has been shut down, F for fuckwitt. I just make shit up as I go along. It was ordered to be dissolved because Orange Buffoon was using it as a bank account whenever he felt like it and that's illegal. Lock him up! Lock him up!

I think Ivonka may also be in trouble for hiking the price on Buffoon properties when the Republicans used them for events. She and her husband are also involved in several other lawsuits.

It's really not a good time for the Buffoon family. That makes me happy!

The senate held hearings with the Google CEO recently and it was a bit of a shitshow. 3 senators asked about iPhones; they aren't even made by Google. Luckily I wasn't there as I probably would have called them idiots.

Speaking of idiots the Republican senators wanted to know why a picture of Orange Buffoon shows up when people type idiot into Google Image Search. As someone in the search engine optimization field. Let me explain.

Shortest answer: He's an idiot
Short answer: People think he's an idiot.
Regular answer: People think he's an idiot and regularly use the word idiot near pictures of him. This includes using the word in the content around him, the image file name and the ALT tag. It's possible that the title, the file name and how many links are going to the page has an effect too. I suspect if enough sites do this ones with strong backlink profiles and/or social signals will rise to the top but I could be wrong on this.
Posted at 30/12/2018 03:34:07 UTC 0 comments

Cohen, Democrats, Climate change

Micheal Cohen was sent to prison for three years and has implicated Orange Buffoon in two federal crimes. If this was a Democrat the Republicans would have started impeachment proceeding last year. Orange Buffoon is probably a criminal and needs to be impeached. It doesn't look like it will happen on this occasion as Republicans don't appear to care. The one up side is maybe an alleged criminal president would mean an easier victory for a Democrat in 2020, though it appears you can never rely on the Democrats not to fuck up an election.

Speaking of which, no to Beto O'Rourke. The guy couldn't beat Ted Cruz and the only reason why people bothered with him is that people hated Ted Cruz so much. No to him and no to Richard Ojeda too. Though his straight talking has a better chance of defeating Buffoon who he also voted for, which also tells me he's not the sharpest knife in the draw. However a straight shooter that voted for Buffoon running against Buffoon might be interesting though. However I thought that electing Buffoon would be interesting, and it is but also a total disaster. Doing things based on my morbid curiosity is a bad idea. Both of these guys lost their last races and if you lose against Republicans I get to judge you for it.

The world again laughed at the Buffoon administration as they sent a coal advocate to a meeting on climate change. He was giving a speech, the room started laughing. Apparently the laughter was staged, but it was still a funny clip. There was chanting afterwards but I think that the laughter added something different to the clip.
Posted at 20/12/2018 05:00:28 UTC 0 comments

Bush, Buffoon, Kelly

George H.W. Bush died. Former president, ass grabber, republican. As far as awful Bush presidents, he was the better one. Also possibly the best Republican president since 89. He was still horrible and invaded a country and caused many deaths including by ignoring the AIDS crisis for half of his presidency. His idiot son just caused more damage. George W and Jeb, obviously George H.W. and Barbra had awful genes. Pretty sure if those were my kids I'd get myself fixed.

Orange Buffoon still doesn't believe in climate change, what a fucking idiot. However this really isn't new information or an interesting angle. I would just like to say he's the fucking president and has access to the smartest people alive. instead of asking them he shits out whatever insane crap is in his head in a tweet. Republican politicians are also fucking idiots, they just don't use Twiter. If you were a politician why wouldn't you want to base your policies on the best possible information? I know that money is part of it, but I also genuinely believe they are stupid too. Money just buys the ability for stupid people to get into power. The left need to get their shit together too and just crowd fund the adaptation and development of new technologies. Luckily politicians in other countries are not complete idiots on the issue. We could still do more and need to otherwise we're beyond fucked.

John Kelly is out. Maybe Buffoon worked out how to fire him. There was a story which claimed Orange Buffoon repeatedly tried to fire him but Kelly but Kelly just ignored him and stayed, that story sounds too unbelievable for me but it's Buffoon so who knows. Anyway I hope Buffoon inserts a person who can't control him so even more shit blows up in his face. Get the popcorn!
Posted at 09/12/2018 08:12:16 UTC 0 comments

Brazil, Amazon, Hillary Clinton, Democrats

Brazil has a new lunatic president, he's basically a fascist version of Buffoon, that's pretty fucking fascist. The Amazon is now in jeporady. This will make climate change must worse if they reduce the size of it. Speaking of Amazon the company Amazon raised its wages to at least $15/hour but when the media was done covering that it took away their stock options. Most employees still get slightly more. But wait there's more. They're opening a new headquarters in New York but have negotiated a deal to get $8,000 per employee. Basically it's welfare to one of the most profitable companies on earth. "Congratulations, you got played!" As someone else points out if the money was directed towards small businesses at least they pay taxes. I have a message to people who talk about Hillary Clinton running for president. SHUT THE FUCK UP! I am sick of certain progressives constantly bitching about Hillary Clinton, they are as bad as right wingers. If she makes an announcement I'll ridicule her at that time. Until then I am not discussing Hillary Clinton running for president, because she fucking isn't. Democrats have also picked up a few seats in the House since last week. Although since they still don't have the Senate I'm not sure that this is relevant.
Posted at 20/11/2018 03:20:05 UTC 0 comments

Terrorism, Midterms, Sessions

On the terrorism story in our last story, it occurred to me that terrorism is usually done you're powerless. Orange Buffoon is the President, at that time the republicans had both houses. Buffoon whines and bitches so much that he had deluded his supporters into thinking the most powerful man in the world is a victim.

My analyst of the midterms result is meh! The republicans lost the House but kept the Senate, which basically means an impeachment is unlikely, which is a good result for the President. Of course I wasn't suggesting they impeach without cause, but I'm pretty fucking sure there's cause. Some pundits believe that Orange Buffoon had a decent result from winding up his base. This is something left-wingers should do in a legitimate way; energy helps you win! Apart from that, some corporate Democrates lost, so did some Justice Democrats. Some Justice Democrats won, go them. Some Justice Democrats losses in red states were smaller than the corporate Democrats, point of interest. Some progressive ballot initiatives won in red states such as higher minimum wages. The results wasn't good, but it's not all bad either, meh.

Jeff Sessions was forced to resign. This isn't good. The Russia investigation is probably about to be ended. Luckily Mueller has farmed out prosecutions. So Buffoon may think that this will magically solve his problems. In New Zealand we have a saying: Yeah nah.
Posted at 12/11/2018 02:49:32 UTC 0 comments

Saudi Arabia, Right wing terrorists, New Zealand MP

It looks like the government of Saudi Arabia assassinated a journalist from Turkey. They claim it was an accident but they also brought a body double and bone sore to the event. Did they accidentally do that too? Orange Buffoon has been weak on the issue, of course. He has financial ties to Saudi Arabia. This includes registering 7 businesses in the country at the time of the election and having them staying at his hotels. The government of Turkey is not that great either, it's a battle of fundamentalists. There are some more moderate Muslim governments but they are neither Turkey or Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is also committing a genocide in Yemon. The world is ignoring this. In the US apparently genocide is OK as long as you're the one selling them weapons. Saudi Arabia needs to be heavily sanctioned.

Bombs were sent to current and past Democrat leaders. It's a good thing that the bomber was incompetent and nobody died. His list of enemies also included CNN and Hollywood celebrities that have spoken out against the president. Has Fox News said the words radical right-wing terrorist yet? How about Ted Cruz? I am told something magical happens when you say radical islamic terrorist and people must call it what it is! By the way these are the same people that claim they hate language policing from the left, they actually love to control what words people used. After the news of the bombs Orange Buffoon continued his hate rallies and said that the media has been unfair to him. (he said this three times in an interview, his brain is clearly not functioning correctly) I thought that the right was against people having victim mentalities. Apparently not. It's not the people receiving bombs that are the victims. It's the most powerful person in the country. I maintain the man needs to be removed from office before more of his crazed supporters do things like this.

I just heard about another case of a right-wing terrorist. A Synagogue shooting 11 people dead. This alt-right nazi thought the jews were funding a caravan of immigrant. I don't know if he identifies as a nazi, but if it walks like a duck. I heard of this story after I wrote the last sentence of the last paragraph. In future I'll have to say before his supporters kill more people. Cue the thoughts and prayers from politicians and nothing at all will be done on gun control. American politics is terrible.

In New Zealand a MP was committed after news of affairs he had came out. USA, take note, you should probably commit your leader. Anyway he needed treatment due to his reputation being destroyed in retaliation to him being leaking stuff about his own party including alleged illegal financial contributions. But nobody is talking about this anymore, look at the shiny sex story. People are too easily distracted. Like the first story, I don't consider anybody the good guy. I admire the leaking but don't discount the fact that it was probably done for self serving reasons. I do hope that he recovers from this and hope that he runs in the by-election and splits the right-wing vote, that'll be awesome. I predict however that he'll just retire. I disagree with his politics but hope that he recovers from his issues.
Posted at 28/10/2018 03:03:08 UTC 0 comments

Kavanaugh, progressive losers, solutions

Republicans approved Kavanaugh, fuck them, they're disgusting. They didn't have to let an alleged attempted sexual assaulter on the court. They could have put on another pro corporate judge. Orange Buffoon just wanted him because he doesn't believe that presidents should be investigated, apparently he came to this conclusion after investigating Bill Clinton. What a fucking joke. Fuck Orange Buffoon for saying pray for Kavanaugh and apologizing to him on behalf of the USA. Buffoon is truly a disgusting fucker. Fuck Joe Manchin too! He's no democrat. Absurd progressives were unable to defeat him. It's incompetence really.

Side point I feel the same way about Cynthia Nixon vs Andrew Cuomo. Progressives should be better prepared to fight against the establishment. Didn't she do a good job since Cuomo. had millions and Nixon had $400,000. Well no she fucking didn't as she could have raise more money through crowd funding. Same with Alison Heartson in California. Should have done better. I have a you don't win by losing mentality. Nixon's vote went some way to knocking off 6/8 corporate democrates the kept voting for republicans, good job on that.

As for the Supreme Court Kavanaugh should be impeached the next time Democrats get a super majority and they should just increase the number of justices and pack the fuck out of the Supreme Court. Unfortunately the Corporate Democrats are weak wet spineless cowards and these things won't be done because they have a delusional fetish for bipartisanship.

In case you criticize me for my court packing idea, the republicans have already packed the court by blocking Obama's nominee. It's called fighting fire with fire. You're not going to win in any other way.

2/2 of the latest republican presidents were first elected by not winning the popular vote. Obama was blocked from appointing his last corporate judge. Being nice has gotten the left in the USA absolutely fucking nowhere. They need to be stronger and energize their base with actual creditable candidates that are not full of empty slogans.

For fuck sakes get rid of the Electoral College too, and money in politics as soon as you have the numbers for a constitutional amendment.
Posted at 16/10/2018 03:16:53 UTC 1782 comments

Kavanaugh, UN

Since last week 3 or 4 more women have claimed that Brett Kavanaugh abused them. Was Bill Cosby unavailable to be a judge? This comes down to simple numbers. 5-8% of sexual abuse allegations turn up to be false. The idea that 4-5 women are lying about Brett's character is terribly unlikely. Once 3 women come forward, yeah that doesn't look good. I am not saying that less than three women are not creditable but if you're overly skeptical about allegations I would hope that three women coming forward would at least give you pause about a person. Even two would give you at maximum a 4% false rate. Of course it doesn't mean that there's definitely something there but it isn't very likely there is nothing there. Even with a single accuser a 8% false rate isn't very high so you should at least be cautious before disbeliefing.

A lot of people didn't find Brett creditable in the hearing because he did things like lie about what a devil's triangle is. It's not a threesome, according to Brett it's a drinking game that nobody has heard of. People that were in his class were tweeting that he was lying. Also apparently mentioning a women's name in his yearbook or something was not about getting laid it was about having a crush. If he didn't do unbelievably shady things there would be no reason to tell unbelievably obvious lies. Even if he did I think that a much better strategy would be to admit you weren't perfect but to deny the more serious stuff. At least you wouldn't come across as an obvious liar.

He should be immediately charged with perjury but considering the Attorney General also committed perjury it appears that it is not something that they're prosecuting currently.

Finally in quick BS that doesn't matter the UN laughed at Orange Buffoon when he said that he has accomplished almost more than any president in the history of the country. That was the right reaction, he's an absolute clown.
Posted at 01/10/2018 05:52:36 UTC 0 comments

Wetter water and judges

You know how I said last week that Orange Buffoon keeps getting stupider? Well he proved me right. Not satisfied with calling hurricanes wet he said that this is the wettest hurricane from the standpoint of water. Which, is just not a coherent thought. You can can't measure the wetness of water. It is either wet or it doesn't exist. This is bullshit but let me address the people who think he's a secret genius and is playing 5 billion dimensional chess to confuse his enemies. The enemies must be inside the whitehouse because most of the people working think he's nuts. Enemies which he personally hired. No, sorry, I won't address you further. You can think Orange Buffoon is fending off Lizard People for all I care. This idiot bankrupted casinos, if that is what you call genius, I probably can't convinced you otherwise. Too far gone.

Turns out that the new Supreme Court pick may have attempted to sexually assault someone. I don't have much to add on this story. Even if he is withdrawn he would just be replaced by another pro corporate socially backwards judge. Judge Thomas was accused of similar things and they confirmed him. This could be a different era. At the lower court level a ton of judges have been confirmed. Many of them were left by Obama and Senate Democrates made a deal to fast track them because they wanted to go campaigning. Absurd. When it comes to judges Democrates just suck.
Posted at 23/09/2018 04:33:02 UTC 0 comments

Orange Buffoon is a stupid narcissist and it's dangerous

Buffoon keeps saying stupider things. I really don't know how that's even possible at this stage but he keeps getting dumber. The buffoon stupid barrel has no bottom. You've think you've hit the bottom, then it's revealed he keeps saying that his father was born in the wrong country, you think you have hit the bottom, he's calling hurricanes tremendously wet.

Perhaps more importantly he's giving himself A+ on disaster responses, all of them. 3,000 people died in one which amazingly he's in denial about. Well I said amazingly; it would be amazing for anybody else but it's Orange Buffoon, the guy is a complete narcissist and has shit for brains, he'll deny whatever is convenient. His crowd size was bigger, the news is fake, A+ on everything and the death toll is fudged. If Putin launched a nuke on California he'd probably deny the amount of deaths too, or blame someone else like Bush did with 9/11.

If you think everything you do is perfect you probably have no incentive to improve. His narcissism is dangerous when you think of disaster relief. His narcissism and incompetence will kill people and probably has already done so.

The problem isn't Orange Buffoon, it's the people who won't remove him from office. All shit is now on them.

If you still think Orange Buffoon is fit to be president, maybe you need some kind of professional help.
Posted at 16/09/2018 04:29:03 UTC 0 comments

Orange Buffoon, Paul Manaford, Low Wages, Nike

An anonymous staffer wrote a piece in the New York Times with more dirt on the white house. Everybody is talking about it but honestly it isn't revolutionary at all and many of the things were known already such as the staff think that the President is crazy and will not follow some orders because they figure he'll forget about the orders. It was known already that his more crazy orders were being suppressed, we such have some examples. He wanted to get the US out of a trade deal with South Korea but didn't notice that the paperwork was stolen from his desk so it was forgotten about. Apparently he ordered the assassination of the Syrian dictator but just forgot. Now this does sound unbelievable, but then again it's Orange Buffoon so who knows? How do you not follow up when you order a leader of a country to be taken out? Furthermore how do you not invoke the 25th amendment when you know the president is this incompetent? These people are gutless. A fun fact that came out of this: Nixon staffers did the same when he used to get drunk.

There's speculation that Paul Manaford will take a plea deal. He wouldn't be doing this if he was relying on a Pardon. Another aide got 8 days in prison in exchange for a deal, though this is speculation. If one or both give information

Bernie Sanders has a bill where it'll force corporations like Amazon and Walmart to pay for a family's food stamps instead of the government. On the surface I agree but do see some issues with this; hear me out. It is disgraceful that corporations can get away with paying their workers so poorly they have to go on food stamps and if they have 2-3 kids I say that a bill like this would be great and would fully support this if it had this kind of limit. The problem I see is families with 5-6 kids. A job at Amazon wouldn't pay for that anyway, even if both people are working. This also disincentivizes companies from hiring people who have big families and they may prefer single people too. A more practical option might be to just have a reasonable liveable wage which would be enough for a family. Alternatively tying the wage to productivity which would be at least $21/hour. People may not like me tying capitalism to the number of kids you have but this is the system we live in. If you have other suggestions feel free to comment.

Finally conservative snowflakes burn their Nike shoes after Nike release an ad with Colin Kaepernick. These people are idiots, if they want to get rid of their Nike gear why not just sell them or donate them to a charity shop? Now they're down a few pairs of shoes. Nice going!
Posted at 09/09/2018 04:28:43 UTC 0 comments

Google, Obstruction of justice, Alex Jones

Orange Buffoon is now whinnng about Google showing news stories from "fake news" sites. By fake news sites he just means regular news sites. I have been ranking sites in Google on and off for 12 years and I was extremely successful in early days in getting top spots. I am getting back into search engine strategies after a long break, so I do know what I am talking about. Certain sites appear at the top because there are more websites that link to them. For fresh content the primary factor would be how many links from trusted websites a website has. That is how search engines work. If he doesn't want negative and shitty stories he could try not doing negative and shitty things.

Orange Buffoon again committed obstruction of justice but this time not even with his own case. The D.O.J. is investigating two Congresmen and Orange Buffoon thinks that Jeff Sessions should stop it because it is damaging the republicans chances in November. How many crimes is this man going to commit before he is impeached? This is a serious question!

Progressives are going on about how Alex Jones had trans porn in a tab. I fail to care. Yes he's apparently against that community but this is about the billionith case of conservatives hating on something while secretly liking it. Perhaps it's worth covering to say to the less gullible, casual supporters of him that he's a hypocrite. Though he rants about space sex cults on mars, do less gullible supporters of him actually exist? Well some people believe this and not that. But if you know that he's giving out bad information, why watch him at all? Some progressives commentators have turned crazy, I stop watching those. This is not to say that you can't watch him if you think he's funny but if you try to decode actual news and crap from his broadcasts, well, good luck with that. That is probably a bad idea. Even thinking that you should do this says to me that you would probably fall.
Posted at 06/09/2018 04:01:52 UTC 0 comments

Buffoon, Australia, John McCain

Paul Manaford has been found guilty of crimes. Michael Cohen has plead guilty to crimes, implicated Buffoon and said that he doesn't want a pardon from criminal Buffoon. The second is more relevant. Buffoon claims he paid the money but it wasn't from campaign money so it wasn't a felony... WRONG! Any spend to help a political campaign is subject to limits unless it's from a super PAC. Legal pundits claim he admitted a felony on live TV. This isn't about Russia. He did break the law and should be impeached. This is only one crime, how many more are there? Perhaps they can ask Cohen. Buffoon clearly said 11 times in a row that Cohen is a business person so his business is not subject to privilege. BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS HE DOESN'T KNOW HIS BUSINESS BUT HE HAS A BUSINESS AND IS A BUSINESS PERSON BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS.

This could be the end of Orange Buffoon, but some people don't think that the Republicans will impeach under any circumstances. Time will tell.

Buffoon is still going on about Crooked's Emails, he means Hillary in case you weren't able to understand, I am deliberately using his poor language. He wants Jeff Sessions to launch new investigations into her. He also abuses Jeff for not protecting him so I really don't think Jeff will be quick to launch investigations into a closed case of a political enemy. Why does Buffoon need protection if he hasn't done anything wrong?

Buffoon also think that flipping should be illegal. You can't flip on an innocent person. Why is he worried about people flipping if he hasn't done anything wrong?

Every fifth tweet is still NO COLLUSION.

Maybe his family should gag him and take his phone away. Maybe that's the only way to stop him sounding guilty.

On another note apparently Buffoon hates the fact that his wife is doing an anti bullying campaign. That make me think she's only do it to annoy him, which makes perfect sense considering the affairs.

Australia has a new prime minister. It must be that time of the year. An election didn't occur. Most of the Prime Minister changes have occurred without an election in recent years. If you are in Australia and are with a knocked out person, you might not want to ask who is the current prime minister since it may change at any moment.

John McCain died, I am not going to say that he was all good or all bad. I will just say thanks for picking a complete clown as your running mate, she was hilarious.
Posted at 26/08/2018 04:25:23 UTC 0 comments

Alex Jones, hideous people from Canada, Don Brash

Several websites banned Alex Jones from their platforms. I have so many points perhaps I will write this in the same style as my professional writings; in reference to three sentences per paragraphs not language.

If you believe what Alex Jones says is true, you need to seek mental health treatment. You have a thinking disability, are really gullible, have shit for brains, are emotionally attached to the conspiracy theories or a combination. I will not engage with you.

This isn't a freedom of speech issue. They're all private companies which are not currently regulated as public utilities. They have an absolute right to kick off anybody for any reason.

Them being nationalized or regulated as public utilities is problematic as their audience is worldwide. You could do something with the UN as the governing body but mention that to Alex Jones and he'll shout THE UN IS TRYING TO STICK EVERYBODY IN HOBBIT HOMES!

The same right wingers who go on about free speech mostly hate government regulation of corporations. Forcing a private platform to have you post would be doing exactly that unless you want Jones to sue YouTube.

It's an inconsistent position, what about the right of a business to conduct business how it likes and have the "free market" decide? This is what libertarians like Alex Jones believe. In their world and the real world the rights of the corporation have priority on this specific issue.

If you want to change that, do that but freedom of speech is not a valid argument at this time. Freedom of speech is meant to protect you from the government from penalizing you for your opinion.

Crowd fund a platform which gives people flexible options to monetize their content. Both the left and right would be grateful for this. This would be a more productive approach.

This is not about taking something down because they didn't like it. His content was leading to repeated harassment of families with massacre victims. If you think that it is immoral or unethical to take such content down, your morality is ass backwards!

Corporations don't have to take part in such activity. Though they probably only did it because they were afraid of being sued or the public backlash. This is completely consistent with how libertarians want the free market to run!

Alex Jones isn't widely regarded as satire, any responsible satirist would immediately tone it down when people start to harass others.

If he's pretending he's not making it clear and the consequences are the same, so that is not a good point. Is his supplement business part of the satire?

The best case he's knowingly selling snake oil to people he assumes are idiots. He must know that many of his followers are mentally unstable. If he's deliberately lying to them that doesn't make it better.

Now to the progressives defending Alex Jones: STOP BEING STUPID! I understand that there are free speech absolutists out there but again this argument doesn't apply and the exact same people who claim that they're in the business of facts defend homophobic dictator Putin and they are yet again making stupid arguments in defense of a vile person.

I understand that you want to debunk Alex Jones but if that was truly a remedy families of massacre victims wouldn't be constantly harassed and people wouldn't be going to places with guns because of his conspiracies. People who do this are not going to listen to logic or reason. You're living in a fantasy world, ironically just like his supporters with unnatural gay frogs and space cults designed to make people asexual.

The left especially progressives should deliver facts. You cannot use a fact based argument to defend Alex Jones. The corporations have the absolute right on this issue. People must not ignore facts in favor of ideology.

If you think corporations have too much power, I hear you. But these tech giants can already ban anyone for any reason; that's just the world we live in. You'd be better off organizing to build your own platform if you're that concerned.

The companies are running a business and have three primary concerns; advertisements, public backlash and not getting sued. Farron Cussins claimed the platforms are worried about getting sued after the people suing Jones are done with him. If this is the reason it's a purely business decision.

Alerx Jones has been slandering people for years; and not just those in the court cases but a long line of individual people. It is curious the companies have just taken action now and I assume haven't removed similar people sprouting such nonsense, but perhaps it was the lawsuit.

You may say innocent until proven guilty but again corporations don't have to abide by that standard.

The vital difference for Alex Jones can and should be sued for his constant slander. The only tragedy is he hasn't gone bankrupt long ago for lawsuits. This isn't a slippery slope because he regularly says crazy untrue things about people and is driving his base to commit crimes, this isn't the free speech martyr that some people want him to be.

Alex Jones still has his own website and platform. To be clear I would be against ISPs from censoring legal things as the internet itself should be a public utility, but that rule no longer exists because of the administration Jones supported. Proving my point that they want corporations to have all the power; he very specifically advocated against net neutrality.

The presidential candidate that he supported was the only one to say let's open up the liable laws. You would imagine that would completely screw Alex Jones!

It is true that making his audience less public does have downsides. A downside could be that this makes his followers more radical and I predict if that happens it could cause more problems for Alex Jones. If fewer people overall see his crap I say that's a net positive.


I don't believe that Auckland should have banned those hideous people from Canada from speaking in the council buildings. I am consistent on this issue, I don't believe that the government should censor people but corporations can do what they like if they're not administering a public utility.

People claim that the hideous people from Canada have half a million followers and should be banned to prevent people thinking New Zealand endorses their BS. Absurd! Half of their followers are probably fake anyway.

Freedom means that people can do things that the government doesn't necessarily like unless it directly harms others. I don't not endorse those hideous people from Canada and the idea that I do just because they're in the same country is lunacy.

Those hideous people from Canada are now asking their supporters for donations because their little hate event didn't go ahead and this proves my point that getting banned was a business model for them. The same argument doesn't fly for Alex Jones because he uses his platforms to sell his snake oil.

Finally Don Brash (New Zealand political figure)said that protesters hindered his freedom of speech but again the concept applies to the government. Being a former leader of a major political party, he should know this but apparently not. He almost ran the country!
Posted at 14/08/2018 23:01:35 UTC 3 comments

Orange Buffoon and cars

People who say there's no evidence of collusion including some on the left are just denialists at this point and hell for quite a while. There was the famous Trump Tower meetings and an Email exchange between Don Junior and someone and he said "I love it" in response to getting damaging information on Hillary. I only bring this up because Buffoo's idiot lawyer Rudy brought up a second meeting which was previously unknown. Every time he goes on TV he makes things worse for his client. Mueller must be watching with Popcorn taking notes. Buffoon also tweeted out obstruction of justice and said that Jeff Sessions should shut down the investigation and fire Mueller. But apparently he was just giving his opinion, not committing obstruction of justice. Sounds as creditable as the audio heard me wrong. If he's so innocent why is he asking for the investigation to be shut down? Let's say the police was investigating me for punching a midget, they're totally free to do that because I didn't punch a midget. If I was like YOU SHOULD STOP THIS RIGGED WITCH HUNT. FAKE NEWS. SAD! NO PUNCHED MIDGET! You would probably assume that I was protesting too much. I apologize to people with short stance. Buffoon also tweeted out with big letters 50% APPROVAL RATING like he's proud. Most presidents would be horrified of that figure. By the way I don't believe that figure, the last creditable poll I saw had him at 41%. He's still rising, and I don't know why. This is the most incompetent man ever that the USA had as president, he constantly fucks up, can barely speak a coherent sentence, is locking people in camps, fucking up the environment. Why is his support rising? In other news Buffoon is doing away with fuel efficiency standards because? Fuck Obama. I guess that's the reason. This also helps the oil cronies that fund the republican party. Consumers must demand more fuel efficient and electric vehicles if the government refuses to enforce sensible rules, that's the solution.
Posted at 05/08/2018 04:33:26 UTC 0 comments

Orange Buffoon, Predictions, Sacha Barron Cohen

About a day after I last posted Orange Buffoon called the Russia investigation a hoax. I TOLD YOU SO! He doesn't disappoint. His insanity has become predictable, and not just by me. He's in a panic because Michael Cohen has many many tapes that could put him away. He hasn't fully flipped yet, but it's likely he will.

Add to that Buffoon is barely winning white men according to latest polls. I'll reiterate he won't complete two terms, and probably not even one. Thank fuck. I am sick of having to write about this idiot. I would rather bitch about what an idiot Mike Pence is, he's bound to be a moron but at least he doesn't shit the bed every five minutes.

Another prediction: If the economy collapses under Pence they'll just blame Orange Buffoon. If it collapses under Buffoon perhaps they'll use it to get him out, perhaps not.

Sacha Barron Cohen embarrassed a politician so much that he resigned. Sacha was pretending to teach someone how to fight ISIS (obviously they do that frequently in the US) he got the politician to yell a derogatory term racists frequently use to describe African Americans. He also got the politician to pull down his pants bumping backwards into Sacha yelling AMERICA! Clips again online. One thing that I will ask is why can't people troll Orange Buffoon more? I bet you could get him to say all sorts of stupid shit. People should totally do this. He constantly says stupid shit without any prompting. Imagine what you could get him to say if you compliment him. I've had fantasies. What I wouldn't do to be able to give a script to a reporter!
Posted at 29/07/2018 04:25:01 UTC 0 comments

Buffoon, Russia, Sacha Baron Cohen, Speakers

Orange Buffoon met with Putin and claimed that Russia didn't interfere in his election, then a day later he said that he actually said "I don't see why it wouldn't be Russia" instead of "I don't see why it would be Russia" and blamed the audio. Classic Narcissistic Personality Disorder: blame everything but yourself. I really think that he only did this because most of Fox News was displeased apart from the most fundamentalist Buffoon supporting hosts, then again usually he just angrily tweets at the TV when they offend the orange special snowflake so perhaps someone at the whitehouse also had a word with him. Then just as I predicted (privately) he was saying something different a day later: Russia is not trying to interfere with the midterms. The Press secretary now says he didn't say that but was saying "no" to the answering the question. At this point I think I will stop trying to explain this as whatever his current position he will probably say something different a day later and go on a rant about HILLARY'S EMAILS or Elizabeth Warren's heritage. By the way obsessing about someone's race, sound familiar?

In other news about Russia they're also funding groups like the NRA and anti gay groups with the purposes o dividing the west including Europe. They're saying to countries don't join the EU or you'll be forced to give gay people rights. The Putin administration is horrible and if you're a lefty and claim otherwise, well, get a fucking clue. This doesn't mean that I want a war but they definitely should be sanctioned and shunned until they stop with the fuckery, that is a very technical term!

Sacha Baron Cohen's new series has made headlines as he tricked political figures into doing and saying stupid things. He did a character in a wheelchair which I am not happy about but did prank Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney so the ends justify the means. I also support Steven Crowder's right to do a character in a wheelchair to make fun of Bernie supporters as he did, I also think that Crowder is a talentless hack but I support his right to be a talentless hack. Cohen also tricked republicans in supporting placing guns in the hands of 4 year olds and training them to shoot. O...K... He included a stuffed animal that shoots bullets, the clips are amazing. He also tried to trick Bernie but Bernie looked at him funny. Maybe he should have been a bit more clever with the scene to get the desired reaction.

Two far right Canadians are coming to New Zealand to do speeches. I won't name them, because I don't remember their names, don't want to give them publicity and can't be bothered looking them up. Auckland Mayor Phill Goff banned them from council owned buildings. All that he did by doing this was getting them on the news and make them martyrs. This draws more attention to them and is what they want. Some on the right have an equation for cash: Say horribly offensive things + get banned = views and support from other horrible people = CASH! The right course of action is to ignore these freaks so you don't draw more attention to them.
Posted at 22/07/2018 05:17:59 UTC 0 comments

UK trip, Hacking, Supreme Court

Orange Buffoon went on his UK trip. Yes it was a disaster. Before the trip he told Germany it was controlled by Russia in the most obvious case of projection ever and called himself a very stable genius. I really don't think people who are mentally stable go around telling people how mentally stable they are. As Cenk Uygur says if someone came up to you telling you that they're mentally stable you would probably back away slowly. Upon listening to the news clip I had to rewind making sure that I didn't mishear. But no. On his trip he told the Prime Minister that he wishes another person was the Prime Minister; if you were compiling a list of things not to do on a trip, pretty fucking sure that would be at the top. He walked in front of the queen, I care much less about that; monarchies and protocols are stupid. I guess at least his words didn't cause someone to go on a rampage this week, that is a plus!

Mueller has indicted 12 people for hacking including trying to get into the software that controls the vote. We don't know if they were successful, but I wouldn't be surprised. I've previously said that these machines were bound to be hackable; I guess that we will in time if I can say I told you so. Go back to paper ballots.

If there is even a 1% chance that the vote was not legitimate the Supreme Court pick shouldn't go through. It turns out that both picks were clerks of Justice Kennedy. This is no coincidence. The son of Kennedy has business dealings with Buffoon and it looks like his dad did a deal with Buffoon to retire in exchange for a clerk to be his replacement, possibly two clerks as part of the deal. This isn't how the Supreme Court is supposed to function but I guess it now matches Washington; it is a joke. Buffoon hasn't drained the swamp. He has built a new swamp on the whitehouse lawn, and built another in the Supreme Court.
Posted at 15/07/2018 04:31:22 UTC 0 comments

Tariffs, EPA, Air New Zealand

The tariffs are continuing to fuck up economies and there is no sign of it ending. Buffoon now wants to grant himself king like powers to continue the trade war without interference from congress. People warned he wants to be a dictator and if this goes through this would be the first step. It sounds like the world needs to spread democracy to the US. I'm of course joking but this isn't good. I wouldn't count on the Supreme Court to save anybody, the entire institution has become a joke as far as I am concerned. Best case, a Democrate comes in and cleans up some of the shit. Orange Buffoon praises the President of China for changing the constitution so he doesn't have to run again. So hopefully he can't do that!

The Environmental Protection Agency head resigned basically for being a corrupt fucker. His corruption was endless and he did things like use the agency resources' to try and get his wife a job, stayed at a place that cost him $50 a night that was provided by a lobbyist, made the agency spend 150k on a sound proof phone booth, misused government travel perks, routinely broke the law by having a private and public calendar. This guy had 12 different investigations into him and probably should be prosecuted. His replacement is a coal lobbyist. So little better.

Meanwhile in New Zealand idiots are boycotting Air New Zealand because they are offering Vegan burgers. Yes, this is a real story. Turns out people are batshit insane here too. I blame Orange Buffoon, before him people were less crazy and I never felt like I was writing satire half the time. Undoubtedly the same people that are boycotting our national airline will claim that they are patriots, stupid fucks. Please contact me if I got this story wrong, if they are banning meat or force feeding people vegan burgers, or shoving them up people's arses. Are they genetically engineering the vegetables to attack people? These would be a worthwhile boycott.
Posted at 08/07/2018 07:02:14 UTC 0 comments
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